What do we do now

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WARNING: unedited

~Ana's POV~

After explaining to all of the boys who Johnny Defran is and what he did to us we all sat in silence. No-body knew what to do and as for me I wasn't having any of it. I just sat there with Taylor all of my tears used up and gone away. Never had I cried this much in my life before and it was obviously distressing Taylor as well. Poor Taylor. He didn't know Johnny like we did. He didn't know what he did to me...

~Jack's POV~

NO! I just can't deal with this right now. When we were at the hospital I was not only there for Ana but I was also there for my Aunt Lily. I love my Aunt Lily and you may not believe it but I felt like she was the only person in my family who I could really talk to and connect with. She is on my mum's side of the family and everyone is really young on her side. Aunt Lily is only 27 and yet she has cancer. When I first heard I so badly wanted to end all of my pain and hurting. Yet I couldn't because of one important reason- she whispered 7 words to me. The memory and pain are still fresh as if it were yesterday...


"You're all that keeps me going Jackie" Her pale hand dropping limp from mine as she used her energy to utter those heart-breaking words to me. She slowly shut her eyes but not before I took my chance to whisper "I promise Aunt Lily. I promise" I cluctched onto her frail body tightly as she lay in the hospital bed. My eyes were glassy by the time I noticed someone waving their hand in front of my face. I blinked and Jack came into view with one hand on my shoulder he looked me right in the eye and immediately knew what was going through my mind without me even having to say a word. He nodded quickly at me to say he understands. Cam then stood up taking charge quickly.

~Cam's POV~

I stood up and looked everyone in the eye. Their faces all displayed the same frightened expression. I took a deep breath and then spoke my voice ringing through the room.

'Alright. So just to make sure that we are all on the same page we all know who Johnny Defran is right?' There was a small murmur of yeahs 'He is a dangerous criminal and also an ex boyfriend of Ana's. He will most likely come after Ana which means we have to protect her at all costs no matter what.' I looked over at Ana, apology shining in my eyes as I said that he would come after her. I saw her shed a single lone tear before smiling a little at me as I continued.

Hayes suddenly jumped up and commented 'Yeah! We will do whatever it takes to protect and keep you safe Ana!'

'We won't let him hurt you' Carter added softly

'He won't even be able to see you let alone lay a finger on you!' Matt said mainly to comfort Nikki but then he broadened it to Ana and also Chloe who was at my side. I wrapped my arm around Chloe and pulled her in for a tight hug. I whispered in her ear 'I will protect you I promise'. I mean every word that I just said. I will not let anyone hurt any of us. We are all part of the Magcon Family and family stays together.

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