Unfixable Pieces

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~Ana's POV~

I could feel the warm salt water sliding steadily down my cheeks as he told me everything. How he Jack Gilinsky had loved me behind my back for pretty much as long as we had known each other. My hand covered my mouth in shock and I didn't even bother the fact that I was in shock, denial, pain even. I couldn't do it anymore and it felt as I had been run under a truck and the driver was someone close. And I was just left there hurt and broken and shattered into unfixable pieces. Unfixable pieces.

I ran as fast as I could and got to the elevator. I tried calming myself but it really wasn't working right now. I went into my room grabbed my penny board and shades, went down to the lobby and took off skating down the streets. I needed to sit and think and feel the breeze in my hair and try and relax a bit. I rode for what seemed like ages with my shades on to cover the fact that I was/ still am crying.

When I was sitting down on the sand I thought of all that had happened in the last few days. Jack had just told me that he has loved me for all the time that we have known each other but on the other hand I really really like Taylor. When I am with him he makes me laugh and smile and feel safe and feel loved. I loved having him around with me and I don't want to lose that. Jack always makes me feel safe and protected. I could never imagine us as anything more than best friends and because of this a part of me will always love him. I toyed with the sand between my fingers letting the sea touch my feet gently. I suddenly felt the urge to be sick but then I recovered myself. I looked at the clock and the display said 16:39! That can't be right I thought! As I checked my messages I saw that I had 27 text messages and 39 missed calls. The texts were on a group chat and they were all asking where I went and if I was okay; I decided to text back a simple "I'm fine" LIES. When a girl says 'she's fine' she is the furthest thing from fine there is. She is broken. She is shattered into a thousand pieces. She is beyond repair. But then slowly it does get better. Only to be hit by a sledgehammer and she is wounded again. This is the process of what goes on behing 'I'm Fine' cos when someone says that they are fine. They're not. I can't believe I let myself get swept up in all of this like the pathetic little.. No. I need to get food and look after myself as in this world you fend for yourself and no one else.

My stomach rumbled once more signalling that I needed food...lots of food. I looked up and much to my delight I saw a bright green sign for my saviour Starbucks. I jumped up and just as I walked through the doors I saw someone that I had never seen not smile crying subtly but definitely crying...

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