Truth or Dare Trauma

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~Matt's POV~

It was my turn in the circle of mishchief and believe me I was nervous. So yeah truth or dare. Ya played it? Good for you well you see this isn't any normal truth or dare we play, this is Magcon Truth or Dare! I rubbed my sweaty palms on my khakis as Nash called my name.

"I dare you seven in heaven with the hottest girl"

I walked over to Nikki and grabbed her hand. She was stiff at first but then she relaxed and seemed at ease. Of course I wasn't going to try anything with her! I literally only just met her like an hour ago. I respect her and I hope that soon I will be able to call her mine☺.

~Nikki's POV~

When Matt walked over and grabbed my hand I stiffened but then I looked up at his warm smile and welcoming eyes. He wasn't going to try anything. I let my grip ease into his as he led me into the connecting room. We both sat on the bed and through the thin wall we could hear Cam shout


USE PROTECTION! Johnson added. I laughed to myself and looked over at Matt.


"Twenty Questions?" he suggested

I shrugged in reply and asked him the first question

"Favourite Colour"


Favourite Colour?" he asked


"Umm favourite food"


"Favourite Magcon Boy" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. He looked so retarded that I couldn't even help but laugh.

"You definitely" I replied inches away from his face staring into his chocolate eyes. His eyes looked down at my lips and I leaned in closing the gap. Just as we were about to kiss I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. I laughed and pulled him into a hug. Just as I was pulling away I whispered in his ear "Not yet Matt"

His eyes said "soon?" and I nodded. Joy filled his eyes and then the egg timer went off. I got up and he recriprocated and I felt his strong grip securing my small hand. In his grip I felt... safer. I didn't want to let him go.

~Ana's POV~

When Nikki and Matt left it dawned to me that it was now my turn as Matt had been sitting next to me. I sighed as Johnson asked me truth or dare.


"Okay. We dare you to..." Nash stopped there his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Dare me to?" I continued

"I don't know" I giggled at his response but in a second all of the emotion and colour had drained from my face as Aaron suddenly said

"Jack or Taylor"

Everyone turned silent and all eyes where on me

"I can't" I replied bluntly no emotion showing on my face. They all looked back at me in confusion.

"No I refuse I can't okay. Just. No." I couldn't. I flinched at the sound of something breaking. I looked over and saw that Jack had snapped the pen that he was holding in half. He looked angry but distant. He threw it by me but my hand instantly shot out and caught it. This bought my gaze over to Taylor who was looking really upset and worried. I felt horrible. I couldn't tell that there were tears until a soft thumb wiped them off my face. I looked into Cam's soft eyes as he pulled me up slowly. His eyes turned wide at the sight of my hand. I turned my attention to my own hand. Red blood was oozing out of it like a waterfall. The sharp edges of the pen had cut me all over my left palm. I shook my head the tears falling steady now. I bit my lip and turned and ran. I just ran to the end of the corridor so I could get to the stairs. Instead of going down though I went up. Up to the roof. I watched the sun and the busy city and I just let my hand drip down into nothingness.

Wrong Move

I guess that the wounds were a lot deeper than I thought and I had lost a lot more blood than I thought cos my vision blurred and I blacked out just as I heard someone scream my name...

Lost ~Jack Gilinsky and Taylor Caniff~Where stories live. Discover now