Ephianic Moment

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~Jack's POV~

After Ana left my room I was alone for barely a second as Jack came rushing in. Judging by his red eyes I could tell that he had been crying. It hurt to know that I had done this to him. He sat down and by the look on his face I knew that he wanted an explanation.

"Because I felt like I had no one else. Ana left for Taylor and I thought that I was gonna lose her forever and that she would just forget about me. I couldn't face that." I broke off for a second wiping my tears but I knew that he didn't believe that this was the whole truth. He was right "On top of that there were implications with my Aunt Lily. You remember her right?" He nodded
"Wow this is hard to say out loud. Her condition got worse and she passed away two days ago in hospital. Apart from you she was the only one who properly knew and understood me." I was full on crying now.
"Does it make sense? I was hurting so much Jack, I felt as if the pain would never stop or dull. It surrounded and engulfed me in every single second of the day and I just couldn't hold on any longer." My voice was cracking and I was hicupping with my tears. I stopped, trying to gain my breath.
"I had to make it stop" I finished in a whisper.

Sitting opposite me Jack looked torn up and was now crying silently too. He couldn't believe it. I was making him cry and I hated it. Everything is my fault.
"Jack you know you are my best friend right? I can't believe I was so stupid to not see. So fucking stupid. That doesn't matter anymore because I promise that I will always be here for you no matter what. If I have to move the sky I will fucking do it okay. I'm here for you. I hate that you felt this way which means that right now I am going to do everything in my power to make it better even if it means dressing up in a tutu." He told me sincerely. The thought of him in a tutu made me crack up and I burst out laughing. I pulled Jack into a tight hug. This was why he is my best friend.

~Ana's POV~

When I left Jack's room I sat by myself for a bit as an epiphany slowly came over me. I love Jack. He was in the fucking hospital for a bit under two days and I couldn't function properly... I love him. I love Jack Gilinsky.


So my fanfic is probably going to end next chapter :( But I just wanted to say thank you for so many reads and votes I never thought I would get this far with it. I loved writing it and since it's now officially summer YASSSS BISH I will be updating more hopefully...

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