Guess Who

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~Ana's POV~

I was just about to give up hope and close the door on the mysterious buffet cart when the table cloth rushed outwards and Nikki and Chloe jumped out. I had never been one to take surprises very well so I stumbled backwards with my hand over my heart hitting the dresser. Nikki immediately started laughing and she came over to help me, Chloe on the other hand got up dusted herself off and then came over to help me. Jeez!

After a couple of minutes catching up we went and sat down on the bed where I began to tell them all that had happened...

~Chloe's POV~

We sat down on the bed and suddenly the seriousness sunk in as Ana told us everything. I could feel my mouth open in shock but at other times my hand curled up into a fist. A very tight fist. Ana is my un-biological baby sister. If someone hurts her this much then for the life of me I will fuckin hell hurt them back 10x harder.

~Nikki's POV~

"And now we're here" Ana finished. My jaw was clenched tightly and my eyebrows had knitted together to form a frown. How could Jack do this to her? But Taylor oh Taylor he seemed so sweet and caring but at the same time he was getting hurt as well. It was all one big triangle of hurt and pain. This means a plan. But that will have to wait for later though. To be honest I was really looking forward to meeting the boys!! Call me selfish but these guys have saved my life. I was depressed and they saved me. Chloe isn't really as big of a fan of me but she is still a fan of them. So yes. We are going to fangirl together.... I hope.

~Ana's POV~

I immediately remembered why these guys are my best friends. They cared and they thought about everything and from Nikki's expression I could tell that she was thinking of a plan. Once I looked over at Chloe and I saw that a fist had formed and from her white knuckles I guess that she was clenching very hard. They both looked amazing as ever. Nikki's light brown skin complimented her long waist length hair and chocolate brown eyes perfectly. She has long lashes and is very fashionable. Chloe has shoulder length black hair which was now dip dyed blue at the bottom. She also has beautiful long lashes and is very sophisticated with her style. I don't think I could find girls like them ever. I decided to cheer up the mood a bit and said that we could find the boys. We are all fangirls but I think Nikki is the biggest out of all three of us! Just as we walked out of the door and were in front of the boys' room Cam walked out. Chloe being right next to the door had to have the pain of Cam stepping on her foot but more painfully on her pure white converse. I swear I saw her wince.

~Chloe's POV~

I was standing outside of their door when Cam walked out. I was a bit fazed but not enough to not notice him step on my completely dirt free white converse! Damn that mothatrucka! As I had expected he turned around to apologise. Before he could even complete the turn though I reached forward and grabbed at any piece of material that I could find attached to him. I ripped it down as fast as I could. Satisfied I looked up and saw Cam staring open mouthed at me and then saw him looking down. I had managed to pull his pants down. I smirked pleased with myself. I could hear Nikki and Ana laughing to themselves behind me. What happened next though surprised me. Cam looked up at me and pulled his PÜMA face whilst flinging me over his shoulder. He tried his best to run around with his pants down so he looked like a retarded penguin and this was all whilst he was screaming PÜMA. Since I was being turned around I could see that the rest of the boys had come to see the commotion and from their faces I could tell that they had seen everything that had happened.

~Nikki's POV~

After Chloe's little stunt all of the boys came around to us and introduced themselves. Matt was seeking a chase so obviously I gave it. I love Matt he is my favourite. Then he started grinding on me and Shawn and Jack G started singing Grind On Me. I laughed so much. Then Taylor did the same to Ana but I could feel Jack's irritation growing as his voice grew angrier. Sensing a fight rising I stood away from Matt and introduced Chloe and I properly then we all went to their room. Ana looked at me and nodded saying thankyou. She looked really relieved.

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