Starbucks Stress

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~Ana's POV~

It was Matt. Once I had placed an order of 2 cookie monsters ~they are life~ I immediately ran over and took a seat next to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked engulfing him in a massive bear hug

"Um do I know you or..." Matt trailed off

I lifted up my shades revealing my puffy eyes and messed up makeup. At once he said "Hey Ana! And shouldn't I be asking you the same question?"

"Nahh don't worry about me. Now I asked you first so shoot!"

He chuckled slightly at my crazy logic then continued

"So you know Courtney my girlfriend. Well I thought that everything was going alright and I mean we have been dating for about a year now and then she posts on instagram and picture with her and this other dude and they were kissing!" I gasped shocked and sympathy. I let him continue his story "Anyway she had been being extra careful to make sure that I didn't find out as she had secretly blocked all of the accounts that she posted pictures of her and this guy on my account so I couldn't see the pictures. Later on I found out that his name was Luke and that they had been dating for apparently 8 months now." At the end he had started crying lightly but now he spoke in anger. "Obviously I broke up with her but I can't get over the fact that she would do something like that! It hurts. It hurts a lot"

~Matt's POV~

I really loved Ana I really did. Not in that lovey dovey way. Hell no I love her as a sister and she is always here for me no matter what. Plus she knows me so well and knows how to make me smile. After I had finished telling her what had happened she wrapped her arms around me once more but then from behind her she pulled out another cookie monster! My favourite. I laughed and smiled in what seemed like the first time in absolutely ages.

~Ana's POV~

I gave Matt his cookie monster and his eyes lit up like a little kid with lots of sweets. I laughed with him and gave him another massive hug. Then he frowned and asked me what was wrong. Well here goes...

"As you know I went on a date with Taylor and we fell asleep in each others arms and he made me feel ecstatic and happy and loved and most of all absolutely all of my worries went away and it felt like it was just me and him. I really really like Taylor and I know that he feels the same way. After breakfast I saw Jack running off so I went after him and that was when he revealed that he well that he likes me as well" I sighed and looked up at Matt into his eyes. "And right now I don't know what to do because I can't just abandon Jack but my whole life it has been just Jack and no one else. I really like Taylor and now Jack tells me he likes me too. It is just too overwhelming and I can't thing properly and I know that they will both be expecting an answer soon as well. I have no idea about what to do!" I was full on crying right now. Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug as well. With that we walked out and he took me to a bench just outside. He talked to me there and finally we decided that it was time for the big guns..

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