Awkwardness Averted..Right?

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Hey Guys sorry for not updating in a while anyways here ya gooo...

~Ana's POV~

When Taylor was grinding on me I was laughing so hysterically I almost peed myself. But then reality turned back into the bitch it is and Jack started to get angry I could tell. Luckily Nikki stepped in and introduced her and Chloe. Thank the dear lord. After we all rushed into the boys room and I looked over at Nikki shooting her a thankful look. I am so lucky. If she hadn't done anything then who knows what would've happened! We were all bored so Carter spoke up and we decided on a game of truth and dare. I wonder what will happen...

~Matt's POV~

Well zayuum. Nikki is so hot. I like her in a serious way not just as a fling. She is really pretty with her long eyelashes and deep understanding eyes. She is care-free and her laugh makes my heart do back-flips. When I went over to her she had no worries with me grinding on her. I love that she isn't too touchy. To be fair though she did break away after a little bit. I miss her touch. Damn Matchew when did you become so girly? My inner conscience asked me. Chuckling to myself I looked up around me but my attention was properly caught when the words

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" slipped out of Carter's mouth...

This shit was about to get real bitch

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