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Picture on the side of what Ana wears for her date! <3

~Jack's POV~

We played Marco Polo for about an hour or so but halfway through Ana got out and sunbathed. God she was so beautiful and smart and funny. I love the way that she throws her head back and laughs and how she can make a joke on pretty much any and every subject. I love how her blue eyes and brown hair and tanned skin all look perfect and her long lashes and daring smile. I love it all.

~Taylor's POV~

After swimming I decided that I was going to do it... I was going to ask out Ana. Even though I have only known her for a couple days it feels like so much longer and I get this very distinctive vibe when I am with her. It feels as if time itself stands still and it is only her that I can see, hear and love. Wow who knew I could be soo deep?

I walked into their room which was next to mine. Cam, Shawn and Jack had all gone to get food so it was just me and Ana alone. Perfect.

"Hey Ana"


"Um so I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tomorrow night?"

"Sure!" she replied and I let go of a breath that I didn't know that I was holding in. My face softened and I smiled and she reciprocated.

~Ana's POV~

Did this just happen? The Taylor Caniff just asked me out and he is interested in me? Wow.


I had quickly jumped in the shower with about 50 minutes until the date. I let my hair dry naturally and I got dressed into my leather pants, my side shoulder royal blue top and also black ankle wedges. I put on my golden triangle necklace with matching earrings and put on smoky eyeshadow and mascara. A knock on the door brought me back to reality and I saw Taylor standing there in khakis and a checked shirt.

"Wow" he said "You look fabulous"

"Thanks" I blushed

With that we went to the elavator and he led me down to his car. I was curious as to where we were going so naturally I asked a few times where. He never told me though claiming it was a 'surprise'. After what seemed like ages he pulled up to a field.

~Taylor's POV~

On the way there she asked me a couple of times where we were going but I refused to tell her and said it was a secret. We pulled up to the big field and we got out and I set down a massive picnic blanket and brought out a picnic basket as well. She laughed and sat down looking up at the sky and stars.

~Ana's POV~

We sat down and talked about home and life and whats going on generally. He started catching grapes in his mouth making me laugh way more than I should have. At the end of the night we lay down and started star-gazing. It was great and romantic. I felt like there was a connection between Taylor and I... as if he and I could talk for hours on end and be together for hours and right now. I don't think I want it to end at all. I am really comfortable around him compared to the others guys apart from the Jack's obviously. I guess this is just one of those times where I have to jump and see where I land. Lets hope I don't break my ankle or something dodgy on the way there.

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