Why did this have to happen to me

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~Ana's POV~

As I made my way back up to the lobby Matt’s words echoed in my confused mind. Thanks to this trip I feel as if I now have 7 new brothers (excluding Jack and Jack) this then bought my thoughts back to Jack. Jack oh Jack. He has been especially quiet and so far in my life I have lived it to the fullest and it was thanks to him. I sighed loudly the elevator in front of me. I entered and jabbed the floor number as my thoughts turned angry. What if he was being like this just to be especially difficult? What if this was all my fault. What if I have lost my best friend? What if there was nothing that I could do to make it better anymore? All of these what if’s clambered around in the walls of my mind refusing to leave as I most desperately wanted them to. I took a deep breath and pushed them out of my head for good. I couldn’t let them get to me especially when there are more important things going on; Jack. My mind was finally quiet for a few minutes but it was destroyed as I heard the creaking of the lift mechanism. I looked around in alert and wonder but my eyes widened when I saw the alarm sign flashing red. Great! I thought. I am now stuck in a random elevator with nobody else for god knows how long. I grumbled in defeat and mumbled a string of cuss words as I sunk to my knees down on the floor.

For a while I entertained myself with Instagram and Twitter but that all changed when my beloved phone died! I gave up and shouted out loud WHY

Why did all of this have to happen to me? Jack and I were perfectly fine and then enter the dreaded almost-kiss. Oh good Lord. Because of that so many backstabbing emotions have crept up on me and I really wish that they went back to being in-exclusive. When I first started the tour with Jack everything was one big happy picnic but then enter Taylor. I mean don’t get me wrong aside from Jack Tay is probably one of the best things that has happened to me. He makes me smile and when I look into his eyes he is always genuine and I can tell without a shadow of a doubt that he cares about me. A lot. He makes me feel so special and with the way he acts it makes me feel like I am the only girl for him. That is saying a lot cos I mean he is Taylor freakin Caniff! He looks good in everything he wears and he is pretty much the only straight guy that I know who puts that much effort into co-ordinating his outfit. I chuckled to myself. But then the pain came; I felt like it was consuming me and making me feel very uneasy. It was guilt. My eyebrows knotted together in confusion. Guilt...? Guilt because of Jack. I feel as because he is my best friend that he is the only guy that should be making me feel this way but right now that guy is Taylor. Hell I don’t even know if he likes me back in that way. I mean all of the guys do tell me that Jack likes me likes me. I remember this one time with Nash and we were walking down a massive field to get to a nice spot; we all decided to have a picnic cos it was such a nice day. He was smiling at the ground but then he looked up and said

‘Ana you know that Jack likes you. You know that right?’

I smiled and shoved his shoulder  playfully running a couple of meters ahead. I turned and called over my shoulder

‘You’re just jealous Nashty-poo’ I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him when he sprinted forward and stood kneeling facing forward. I hopped on his back as he carried me the rest of the way.

‘Man you know me so well’ I muttered under my breath as I jumped on his back.

He laughed ‘I know but for your information girlie I am totally not jealous.’ He finished the end in a fake high voice obviously trying to imitate a girl. I laughed way harder than I should have and he laughed along with me and I nestled my head in his shoulder. He carried me the rest of the way and we all had an awesome time.

I grinned to myself but it quickly evaporated as reality came and slapped me in the face. I would be leaving these guys soon. I don’t think that I would be able to bear it. A sudden ding sound made me look up and I realized that I was moving again. I picked myself up dusting my butt off as well. I blinked back the tears and forced on a brave face; I wasn’t going to cry in front of Jack he gets super upset for me. My emotions softened as I thought about him but then there was Taylor niggling at the back of my mind.

I shoved them both out of my head before stepping out of the elevator as I made my way towards Jack’s room. I gaped at the clock hanging on the wall at the end of the corridor. It said 5:38pm meaning that I was stuck in that lift for about 2 and a half hours! Slowly I trudged towards Jack’s room feeling a sudden burst of tiredness embed upon me. I shook my head trying to get rid of the tired ache in my head as I latched my hand around the door knob and pulled down to open it. I stepped into their room. What I saw next caused the River Thames to flow down my face...

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