Chapter 2, Stalking Prey

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Chapter 2

My body hunches low, my tail almost dragging along the ground as I walk.  I do not leave anything to chance as I watch the sun slowly beginning to set in the distance. 

I can feel as each bush brushes against my sides, my body creeping through the scrub like a predator about to pounce on their prey.

The collar I now wear constricts me, its tight grasp on my neck making my fur curl around the cool metal.  I can feel the light touch of the bandana Chris has tied underneath; the silky material constantly reminding me that he is with me.

Head held low; I can smell all the scents of the pack we’re tracking; we are getting close and I have heard no alarm yet.

The wolves ahead are fighting with hunters, the front line doing their job at eliminating the pack and acting as a distraction as we creep in.

I can faintly hear Chris and some hunters walking not too far behind me; my instincts telling me they were watching and waiting for me to do something; for my stalk to become the attack.

Stopping as I peered around a small bush; I could see the remains of the wolves attacking each other, the last of the hunters now going down with only a few of the shifters left.

My nose surveying the smells wafting through the air, it doesn’t take me long to pick up the Alpha’s scent, his dominant smell outweighing his pack.

I can sense that the Alpha is close; his strong scent lingering in the air as I prepare for the attack.

My heart begins to beat with urgency, the adrenaline freely beginning to pump through my veins.

My eyes catch a small glimpse of a dark coloured wolf, his large muscular structure barely covered by the dense scrub as he looks around expecting someone to jump out and attack him.

The moment I spot him, my feet are no longer planted in that one spot.  I am propelled towards my target as the Alpha finally notices me sprinting from the bushes.

His tail curling upwards into his dominant stance, I see as he begins to show his teeth; his dirty canines now snapping in my direction.

The Alpha’s eyes reflect a bright yellow, his feral wolf in control as he assesses the situation.

Charging forward, our bodies collide; the Alpha’s threat clearly ignored by myself.  With a vicious match of growling, my teeth brushing against the shoulders of the wolf’s fur, my stamina is soon of use, my force now pushing the Alpha over.

In a fight of fur and willpower with dirt flying up around us, all Alphas act the same.  Each Alpha’s attack starts out the same, trying to assert dominance before he realises I am here to kill him and he cannot win.

Recovering quickly as the Alpha tried to get to his feet, I now charged over him, our teeth beginning to make quick grabs at each other before I got a lucky bite in; my teeth now clamping around the Alpha’s neck.

Without my muscle mass I have stored away, I doubt I would ever consider attacking an Alpha this way with him clearly having the advantage.  My long runs at sunrise pay off with each hit I get in, my muscle serving me well.

Feeling his body stiffen under me, the Alpha began trying to throw me off with a great urgency.  Clamping down as I could feel my teeth pierce his neck, a loud yelp escaped his mouth before he fell to the ground still trying to roll away frantically.

Deciding it time to end it; my teeth snapped down, pushing into the skin; the body under me now going limp as the life was drained out of the Alpha in a quick battle.

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