Chapter 22, The Final Test

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Chapter 22

The cold air was shocking to my nerves.

I could already tell I was lying on some sort of cold cement, the vibrations passing through the ground telling me I was not alone either.

Trying to focus so I could open my eyes, I could hear barking around me, the sound seeming strangled and afraid.

I could just overhear some sort of conversation going on around me.

‘Don’t tell me what to do Brad!  You’re not top dog around here and you better remember that’!

Something smashed close by, the sound echoing off the walls as I wondered what had been broken.

‘Are you insane Derek!  She’s one of us, you can’t just kill her like the rest and you know that’!

I knew those voices, Kyle had been close to Chris and if anyone knew where he’d be, Brad would the person to go to.  Since Kyle’s death I assumed Brad would be the closest person to Chris and whilst I hardly saw him, I knew Chris spoke highly of him.

My eyes began to flutter open as I realised the men were arguing in front of the cell I had been placed in, a small dog bowl sat near the front.

I had come into the wolves’ world the exact same way but I knew returning here and being locked up meant I no longer held the respect I once did.

The men didn’t notice my awakening, their arguing only becoming louder.

‘What about Chris!  He has a right to know and you just won’t admit it, she was like his daughter’!

I watched as Derek’s fist rose, his knuckles connecting with Brad’s head a small crack could be heard.

Brad instantly took a few steps back now holding his nose, the tension between the pair clear to any onlooker.

‘I warned you last time Brad!  Chris made his choice.  He left so now he has no say here; the stupid bastard has no right over this wolf anymore’!

Managing to push myself into a sitting position, it seemed whatever drug was in my system had almost worn off, my muscles now moving at my own free will.

Glancing around the room, this cold space held a series of cage like cells, a wolf held in most and I could tell most had been here longer than what I could imagine.

Brad was now quiet as Derek pushed a finger into his chest, this argument would soon be over.

‘She gets one chance, she doesn’t hunt and she will be put with the others.  If you even think of interfering I will make sure you won’t hold this job for much longer’.

His voice was sharp and cruel.  I now realised the commotion around me was caused by Derek, I could now sense the majority dislike for him.

Turning with a huff, Derek was finished with this conversation, already leaving Brad standing there still trying to stop the blood pouring from his nose.

Brad’s eyes never met mine, a small sigh leaving his lips before he stared at where Derek had been for a moment.

Hearing the slamming of a door not too far away, he cringed at the sound before beginning his slow walk to where Derek had gone.

The wolves around me began to settle as Brad left, an uneasy quiet falling over the room, few wolves whined and as I looked over at the cell next to me, my eyes gazed upon the beaten body a wolf who I suspected was close to death.

Now turning my head, I noted the cell on the other side was empty, the smell of blood still relatively fresh though as I wondered why these wolves were kept alive.

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