Chapter 16, A New Chapter

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Chapter 16

Curled up against the windows on the front seat of Mario’s car, both men were focused on where we were going as no one dared make any conversation with me.

I was content with the heater blowing on me, my eyes half shut as I rested my snout on the window sill, the cool breeze brushing past.

Mitch was forced to squash into the middle seat, his body being stiff since we’d got into the car.

His affection had a calming effect on me, the feeling being so unusual to what I was used to.  Mitch’s hand was rested on my back as what I assumed was an attempt at trying to stretch out further considering he was squashed up in the middle.

‘You know Sonya, if you’d shift back, we’d all be a lot more confortable right now; you’re lucky I have a bench seat’.

Snorting as I ignored Mario, my eyes caught sight of the moon beginning to rise over the trees, it shining light making me want to howl into the night sky.

Lifting my head, I was no longer worried about the beating that would normally follow, my head lifting up towards the sky as I let out a long howl that echoed through the night.

Letting all my emotions run wild in that one call, hearing Mario whining at how loud my call actually was I sniggered on the inside, waiting for the pair beside me to start fighting.

‘Couldn’t you wait until we got out of the car; you’re killing my eardrums woman’!

Mario’s voice was followed by a sickening punch to what I assumed would be Mario’s shoulder.

‘Just give it a rest Mario; it’s fine’.

‘They’re still morons……’

I couldn’t have agreed more.

Pulling up at the house, a man stood on the drive, my eyes recognising him as the guy that had chased me from the property next door.

Pinning my ears, I jumped through the car window easily and began to stalk towards him.

Hearing someone approach from behind, Mitch stopped in front of me, his leg blocking my view of the offender.

I could already hear a gun being cocked; the guy obviously figuring out this was where I’d be.

‘Move Mitch, she’s a hunter; she tried to attack my father’!

Hearing Mitch sigh, his body was still tense and the fact that this guy was feeling all high and mighty wasn’t helping.

‘Jason, I highly doubt she touched your father but I apologise for any harm she caused; it was my fault it all happened’.

Scoffing, the Jason character wasn’t going to believe anything Mitch had to say, my eyes peering around Mitch to see Jason now loading his gun.

‘Out of the way Mitch; we cannot allow a hunter to walk among us’.

‘Do something’

What was I supposed to do that wouldn’t fuel the fire further?

Looking up, Jason had pointed the gun at Mitch; his hand twitching like he was undecided on what to do.

‘Mitch will die….’

I really wished sometimes that my wolf wasn’t right.

Taking a side step around Mitch, I noted as the gun now moved to me, the fear in Jason’s eyes only growing as I realised this was not his first encounter with a hunter.

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