Chapter 17, Befriending the Neighbourhood

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Chapter 17

We were now kilometres from the town Mitch lived in, the trees surrounding us as we followed a dirt road north.

Being only wolves nearby, Mitch was not so hesitant to walk close to the road whereas I stuck to the scrub out of sight.

Neither of us had tried to communicate since we’d left, I personally didn’t want any distractions that could slow me down whilst Mitch looked like he was still half asleep.

I walked slightly ahead of Mitch, my eyes constantly scanning the area as I looked for any scents I knew.

This trip felt so much like my old routine where we would walk kilometres to find wolves and while my senses were still on high alert, telling me each time we would cross a scent of the wolves nearby, this was not a hunting trip.

Making sure to keep an even pace, I tried to plan out the trip ahead as to how exactly I was going to find Chris after all I knew he wouldn’t be at the hunters’ base.

So what’s the plan Sonya’?

Grunting at the fact the rest of the trip would probably be Mitch questioning my actions I was not so keen let him in on the plan but I figured since he was here, he most as well should help.

‘We’re going back to the hunter base’.

I saw as Mitch tensed and came to halt next me, my body continuing to move at an even rhythm.

‘No…… we’re not’

His rebuttal was useless, we had done things his way for the last few weeks so now it was time to do things the way I wanted again.

I never asked Mitch to tag along so he should have felt himself lucky I even told him anything.

Feeling teeth beginning to dig into my tail, I looked back to see Mitch pulling me, trying to make me go in the direction he wanted.

Letting out a low growl, I pulled my tail from his grasp now turning around to give him a piece of my mind for slowing us down.

‘What the hell is your problem Mitch’!

Returning my growl with one of his own, it was clear we didn’t agree right now.

‘You never said we were going back there!  I thought we were finding this human, not getting ourselves caught’!

Beginning to grow angry with Mitch’s stubbornness, I snapped near his face, the movement making him back up a few steps.

‘Are you stupid!  He’s human so he would not have travelled far; I can track his scent from the compound.  It’s the only way’.

I could still see the doubt on Mitch’s features, his eyes telling me he was going to leave the argument to which I obliged as he started jogging ahead of me again.

No more words were spoken for a while and each time I tried to pass Mitch, he would growl at me and push me behind him like some overprotective dog.

His attitude was getting on my last nerve, I expected more from him……

 When we finally stopped for the night, I was surprised when Mitch led us towards a house to which I knew would be occupied by wolves.

Slowly trotting into the front yard, I kept my senses on high alert as Mitch let out a long howl to alert the wolves of our presence.

‘We can camp here the night, these wolves are friends of mine’

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