Chapter 11, Making War

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Chapter 11

Waking up to the smell of meat, looked up to see Mitch’s door was open again as I stretched out, my tongue caressing my lips at the idea of food.

Jumping down from the bed with a thump, I lazily walked down the hallway, the loud blaring of the television already annoying me as my nose lead me towards the kitchen.

Seeing Mario sat on the couch, a bowl of spaghetti in his hands, he didn’t even notice me walk past despite the loud clicking my nails made against the timber floor.

Stopping as I reached the kitchen, Mitch seemed to notice me, a bowl being set down on the floor for me as a small sigh escaped me.

If only I could eat the way they did……

Beginning to chug down what I was given, Mitch’s shadow passed me as he headed to the table, the quiet in the house a little concerning.

All that could be heard was the murmur of the television as Mario began jumping up and down, his finger pressing hard on the volume button until a news story flooded the whole room.

In recent news, the man that escaped the only man to escape the wolf hunt up north has been reported missing after his friends and family reporting he had not been sighted for the last twenty four hours’.

Finishing up my food quickly, I trotted over to the couch, jumping over the back as I heard Mario scoff next to me, my eyes remaining trained on the screen from what I was hearing.

The human was standing out near a forest area, her hair blowing crazily in the wind as she continued.

Christopher Lemuns as he is known, was last seen at a hunter compound in the northern areas before taking a sudden absence of leave from his work’.

The moment his picture and name were put on the screen, I knew straight away that it was my Chris these people were talking about and I really did wonder how he was still alive after everything.

‘What the hell, that’s the same guy that was on the news program; maybe he finally lost his mind…….’

Scowling at Mario as I jumped at him, I began barking loudly in his face, the guy quickly trying to swat me away, like this was some sort of game.

‘Sonya; cut it out!  We can do this later if we have to’.

I couldn’t help myself, I knew this would give away a lot of what I assumed the wolves wanted from me but I didn’t care at this point.

Apparently Mario wasn’t feeling very patient right now either, his finger now pushing the off button as the television went black, with me jumping off the couch and running over to the screen to find the actual on button.

Titling my head to the side as I examined the object, I was never around televisions very often so finding this on button was proving difficult, my nose unable to find a bump in the front that was an on button.

‘What are you doing wolf; if you wanted it back on you should have just asked’?

Seeing the bright screen lighten up in front of me, I was momentarily blinded being stupid enough to stand so close until I realised the story was over the human was now talking about some stupid sport news.

Slumping down, I walked back over to the couch, jumping up as I curled into a ball now regretting having reacted at all and missing half the news story.

Doing what could only be called sulking, I could Mario scoffing behind me, obviously having been watching my little episode.

‘You are so strange sometimes Sonya; use words next time’.

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