Don't forget the dick balloons

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Justin had made the executive decision of beinging a movie. Everyone had been drinking, and he didn't want anyone driving. Everyone but Sam and her partner sat in the couch and rug watching the Movie. Sam still lay on the floor in the kitchen. She now had her arms wrapped around her sub. She snored slightly. It was cute.

Carl sat at Nyda's feet and leaned against her legs. He clung to her leg and protested anytime she moved. He had never been a clingy drunk. I had only seen him being clingy when Nyda came back from a week long work conference.

Kasey and Lady Night were in the middle of a lesbian pile. They both still sipped on glass bottles of beer, but both were done trying to put drink the other. Ann and Meg laid across the dommes laps and occasionally kissed. They both were fighting sleep.

"Justin, do you really not have any better movies? This is such a cliche I think I'm going to be sick." Lady Night laughed and wrinkled her nose.

"Im sure that's because you're drunk off your ass." Justin smiled slightly and looked over at the drink domme. "Last time I saw you drink that much you tried to screw a statue."

I choked on a laugh.

"Not my fault the statue had a hard cock." She took a longer sip of her beer. "Not like you could even get it up this drunk."

Justin laughed and shifted me in his lap. "I'm sure mines better than yours." I couldn't believe it. They had turned a conversation about how much the movie sucked into a dick measuring competition.

Meg crawled off Lady Night and laid herself on the carpet. Lady Night smiled and looked towards her bag. "Prove it." She quickly snatched up her bag and pulled out a massive rainbow dildo.

Justin laughed and pulled me off of his lap. "Justin," I scooted to the end of the couch and fell off. "owwwwe" I lay on the floor sprawled out with my legs on top of Meg.

Justin leaned over and pulled me back into my lap. "I'm sorry, little one. Come here." He pulled close and gently soothed down my hair.

"I'm calling it." Kasey tightened her arms around Ann's waist. "Im so drunk I'm not far behind Angel." Kasey and Ann both got up to head to bed. Meg quickly claimed their warmed spot on the sofa beside Lady Night.

Justin nodded and waved as they headed up stairs and closed their door. "We should head to bed soon too little one." Justin gently kissed my cheek.

I nodded slowly and rested my head against Justin's shoulder. "Im so tired. I can't imagine getting up." I hid my face in the bend of his neck and sighed. "You smell nice." He smelled slightly sweet. The strong smell of whiskey and his aftershave made me melt into him.

Justin chuckled and gently patted my head. His arm wrapped itself around my waist. "Come on." Justin slowly got up carrying me to the bedroom.

As he opened the door light objects fell out of our room. hundreds of inflated dick balloons and blow ups filled our room. Justin stood there for a moment before putting me down and turning towards Meg.

Meg was giggling in Lady Nights lap. "happy birthday! I thought you could use some better decorations." Meg leaned so far back she almost went topling over the back of the couch. "Hundreds of cocks."

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