Life Doesn't Give Lemons

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I had talked to Nyda the day before Justin was going to come home. I had stayed in her room for at least two hours. I didn't want to leave her. When I finally did leave her I tried to call Justin. His phone went straight to voicemail. He must have already been on the plane. So I called a car to come pick me up and take me home. I was crying way to hard to drive myself.

I barely made my way with blurry vision up to the bedroom door. I frantically pounded on it. I was barely able to stand on my own. I cried. Big ugly tears.

"Angel, I have work in a few hours just let me sleep." Meg opened her door and looked down at me. She rubbed sleep from her eyes and stretched. When she finally looked at me her expression darkened. "Shit... What happened..?"

"Tell me about cancer." I looked up at her. "Please."

"Angel... Sweetie... I don't specialize in cancer. It was literally my last favorite rotation." She sighed and wrapped her arm around me. "Come sit on my bed."

She led me awkwardly to her bed and sat me down. She looked through some high piles of books and pulled out one. "Lots of your questions can probably be answered by this." She handed it to me. "Cancer treatment had come a long long way." She forced a smile.

"What about breast cancer?" I sniffled.

She sighed. She gently laid me down in her bed and laid out beside me. She took a deep breath and slowly began to tell me the basics that she knew. She didn't want to give me too much information. She told me about the likelihood of spreading and the use of hormones along with chemo and radiation. She explained how treatment worked.

I must have fallen asleep. Because I woke up to someone calling my name.


Justin had just got home. He always turned his phone off when he was on a plane. He enjoyed to excuse to not be at the beck and call of the ring. He would spend the time reading or if he was lucky he could nap.

"Angel," Justin called as he closed the front door. "I'm home." The sun was barely beginning to come up. He sat his bag down on the couch. He smiled as he looked around. "Angel?"

Angel quietly came out from Megs room. She looked tired. Her eyes were bloodshot and she shivered violently. She looked up at Justin and opened her mouth to speak. She just began crying again.

Justin jumped at the shock of seeing his sweet sub so hysterical. He quickly pulled her to his chest and gently moved his fingers through her hair. "Angel, sweetie, breathe. You can't tell me anything if you can't breathe." He gently pulled her closer and felt a pain growing in his throat.

"Nyda... She has cancer." Angel buried her face in his chest and shook some more with tears.

"Oh..." Justin felt like someone had punched him in the stomach. He tightened his grip around Angel and took a deep breath. "How... What do you know.?"

"Stage 3" Angel sniffled and tried to remember what the doctors had said. "In her right breast." She remembered the paleness of Nyda's face as she called her mom. "They want to start treatment soon." She flinched as she thought of the way Nyda sounded so tiny. "They kept her the extra days because they were running tests." She wished she could forget the painful silence from the phone and the almost deafening click of Nyda's mom hanging up. No words were spoken. No sound was uttered.

Justin nodded. "I'll make some calls. See what I can do. I doubt there really is anything we can do except be there for her and Carl."

Angel clung to the quiet Dom. She was too scared to lessen her grip in the slightest. "I love her so much... I can't..." Angel cried again. "Nyda is a good person. She deserves better..."

Justin sighed deeply. "sometimes the best people get dealt a shit hand. Nyda will get through this. She had you backing her." Justin gently squeezed Angel. "She's going to kick cancers ass."

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