Entry 5

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Entry #5

Dear Diary,
I know, I know I abandoned you yesterday. I'm sorry ok. After the way Irwin feasted on Natalya I had to go out and find a store that sells clit suckers gurl. He ain't gonna take a sistah by surprised again.
      So it's been a week since Irwin carved his initials on his wife's pussy with his tongue and things have been going so well. Natalya got a pep in her step and Irwin doesn't feel so helpless. His physical therapy is even better than before. They hardly left their house since Irwin found out the true meaning of Netflix and chill.  Diary gurl we need to Netflix and chill. No, not together. You and Journal; me and BOB...Ugh one day Imma catch me a live one Diary...soon I hope cause I'm tired of breaking chairs gurl. What do I mean?  Gurl I plant BOB in the center of the chair and ride him like a stallion. I always forget where I am until that damn chair give way and BOB and me end up on the floor. Not funny Diary...not funny. See, this is why I don't tell you shit about me.
Anyway, A week ago today Irwin was in a rot but today he is in a much happier place. He woke up early and quietly got out of bed so he doesn't wake up Natalya. He looked back at his sleeping beauty and thought. "I'm the luckiest man in the world." He wheeled himself to the elevator. He entered and press 1 praying that Natalya won't here the ping noise it makes when the door opens. He's in the kitchen and she is still upstairs and hopefully still sound asleep. "Good morning Mr. Greene, you're up early? Can I get you some coffee?" Mrs. Hess said. Mrs. Hess has been the housekeeper since the accident. Natalya needed the extra help since she refused to let anyone care for her husband.
      Good morning Mrs. Hess, I would love some coffee and your help. I'm going out on the farm to pick some fresh strawberries and blueberries. I'm making my wife her favorites for breakfast." Mrs. Hess was happy to help. "Sure Mr. Greene. Here is your coffee, hot and black." He smiled, "I love my coffee like I love my wife." He said to himself. He took two small containers and head out to the farm. The farmers were out early harvesting and packing fruits and Vegetables.
      They helped him pick his berries and some roses. He wheeled back to the kitchen to make blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs, wheat toast, fresh strawberries and orange juice. He pruned a dozen of pink roses. It may not be much to other people but since the accident Irwin hadn't been himself. He is slowly getting his groove back. Mrs. Hess only helped by getting the pots and pans Irwin couldn't reach. He prepared everything else. Mrs. Hess helped him set the tray.
      With an accomplished smile, Irwin got into the elevator and the doors closed behind him. Mrs. Hess cleaned up the mess her boss left behind. "I'm so happy Mr. Greene is finally getting back to normal." She mumbled to herself. Upstairs Irwin crept back into their room and sure enough Natalya was still sleeping, "it's time to wake up sleeping beauty." Irwin said as he gently put the tray on the small foaled tray table Mrs Hess put there earlier when Irwin was making breakfast. He crept back into bed and softly kissed his wife and whispered "good morning beautiful."
      He watched as she yawned and rolled into him. "Good morning my darling." Open your eyes sweetheart...breakfast is served." Natalya opened her eyes and saw the tray. "Did you do all this?" She asked. She was surprised but happy. "Yes Love...just for you." Natalya got out of bed and head to the bathroom to wash up then joined her husband for breakfast.
      After breakfast Natalya called Mrs. Hess to get the tray. She thanked her husband and planted small kisses all over his upper body. "Natalya we need to talk." "Ok darling, you talk while I kiss." "I'm serious sweetie. We need to talk about this." He just ruined the mood for Natalya. "Talk Irwin, I'm listening." He took his wife's hands in his. "I love you sweetheart and this past week have been the best time of my life since the accident but I can't  stop thinking that no matter how good I am with my tongue and fingers, it's still not the same. I want you to have an affair."
   Damn! My boss just called an emergency meeting. Ugh! I'll try to hurry back ok. Remember, don't open up to anyone not even Irwin.
Your BFF

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