Entry 6

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Entry 6

Dear Diary,
I don't know if you're ready for what's next but hey, when the gossip is this good I have to share.
"Natalya did you hear me?" Natalya left the warmth of her husband's arms and their bed. She ran to the bathroom and locked her door. She wept as she continued to replay her husband's last words in her head. "I want you to have an affair." "Where is that coming from?" She thought. "Does he really think that low of me? I can't do this, I have to get out of this house?" She said to herself as she wiped her tears.
Natalya took a shower and got out of the bathroom in her birthday suit. She ignored her husband who was still sitting in bed waiting for her. "Sweetheart?" No answer. Natalya went to her closet to get dressed. She came out wearing black skinny jeans, tanned jacket on top of a plain white tee and a black pair of converse. Her favorite pair of Jessica Simpson sunglasses was in her hand. Her natural beauty doesn't require make up but she usually put on light makeup. This time she isn't wearing any...just lipgloss. Her hair was still damn from the shower but she managed to put it on half a bun.
"Where do you think you're going Natalya?" She gave her husband the meanest look she had. "I'm going out for some fresh air. I need time to think about what you said." She walked over to her husband. "Irwin if I stay here you won't like the ending of this conversation. Don't forget you have two sessions with Dr. Walters today...make them count. I'll be home in time for dinner." She turned to walk away. Here eyes are filled with unshed tears. For the first time in the 27 years they've been together she didn't kiss him goodbye. As she open the door Irwin spoke, "Natalya!" She stood still, face forward "yes Irwin." He took a deep breath then exhaled "do you still love me?" A tear dropped "unfortunately." She left without waiting for a response.
Diary what is she going to do with this fool? A whole year and she's never left his side. She could have cheated if she wanted to but that's not the type of love they have. Natalya was in love with Irwin way before she found out just how blessed and skillful he was in the bedroom. That's just ice cream on the cake to her you know. She love her cake with or without ice cream. Anywayz gurl, one of us have to keep the light on...I'll be back on my lunch break. You know rule: don't open up to anyone else.
Your BFF

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