Enty 9

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Entry 9

Dear Diary,
You will be pleased to hear that Natalya is ok. "Talya, wake up sweetie, you need to eat." Amy is waking Natalya up from her nap. Natalya woke up groggy, "Where I'm I?" Amy sat down next to her friend. "You're at my beach house sweetie. You had too much to drink. Natalya pulled the blanket off of her and noticed she was down to her bra and panties. She looked at Amy suspiciously "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLOTHES AMY! Oh God! What have I done? I need to get home to my husband."
      "Here drink this...it'll make you feel better." Amy said as she handed her the glass. "What's in this? The last thing I remembered was you taking my glass from me. Did you drug me Amy? What is in this glass?" Amy got up to get Natalya's clothes. It's a Pedialyte cocktail. It will cure your hangover. I'll get your clothes...they are in the other room.
      "Hold up Surveillance, What did shady Amy do? Why is Mrs. Greene clothes in another room? I don't like that." "Calm down Diary. All will be revealed...just take notes ok."
So, Natalya drank the cocktail mix and though she still had a slight headache, she started feeling better. "What the hell did I do?" She asked herself. Before she could dig further into her thought Amy came back with her clothes. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she handed Natalya her clothes. "A little better. Did you put something in my drink? Don't lie to me me Aimes." Amy looked at her friend, "no...get dressed and meet me in the living room.
      Natalya is still in a confused state but she knows Amy was telling the truth. She could always tell when Amy was lying. She tried to remember what happened but so far the last thing she remembered was Amy taking the empty glass from her hands. She got dress and went to the living room to find Amy. "Come over her talya" Amy called as she placed a tray with two turkey sandwiches and some potato chips on the dinning room table. Both ladies sat down and started eating.
    "What did you do to me Aimes? Natalya asked in a low voice. We didn't..." Amy cut her off..."he'll no. I maybe a freak but I'm strictly dickly and so are you. I know you have questions but trust me, nothing happened that you didn't want to happen." The backdoor to the kitchen opened but the ladies kept talking without looking back. "Mrs. Thompson my crew and I are heading out now, we'll be back in the morning to finish the job." Natalya looked back to see who that familiar voice belonged to. It was Hamilton Cain, the Thompson's hired him to add an extension to their beach house. Hamilton looked at Natalya "why hello again beautiful." Natalya almost shocked on her sandwich. She suddenly remembered seeing him in the room...sitting on the edge of the bed.
      "Oh my God! I think I'm going to be sick." Grab that bucket Hamilton." Amy yelled as she rushed to her friend's side. She held her hair while Natalya emptied her stomach's content into the bucket. "It's alright talya, you're going to be alright. Hamilton be a dear and clean this up for me before you leave will you? I need to clean up my friend." "Yes ma'am." Amy took Natalya to the bathroom to clean her up. "That bitch!" "Calm down Diary, I trust Amy." Diary scrambled "I don't!" "Anyway, let's check in on Irwin."
"Ugh! Ok"
"Listen Diary, I don't need your sassiness. You were much better before you started scrambling shit down. I'm done. You'll have to wait until later to find out about your precious Mrs. Greene...got me here arguing with a damn book and shit....Ugh! You know the rule. Don't open up to anyone else."
Still your BFF

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