Entry 35

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Entry 35

Dear Diary,

"I hope you are ready because the good stuff is coming up." "I'm ready girl! That damn Journal was couldn't contain himself after he got my message. 'talking 'bout he is so depressed. I was like well helloooooo all you get are boring entries." "😂😂😂 Diary you're a mess. Poor Journal. Does he have the same gift as you?" "He does but he is afraid if he reveals it, his writers will try to make money off of him." "Ok Diary, let me fill you in honnay!"
       "While Mrs. G was mingling was the ladies, their husbands went over to Irwin. "Irwin, you lucky bastard!" Cordell said as they approached him. "I don't know how you pulled it off but you did. You seem happy again. Like my old brother is making a comeback." "Thank you Cordell, but all thanks belongs to my wife. Irwin told the men how Natalya tricked him into believing she was having an affair. Cordell was listened like he had no idea what Irwin was talking about. He was so proud of Natalya for going along with their plan. Doc Walters and Jonathan laughed and promised to keep their wives away from Natalya. "Poor Jonathan, if he
only knew.  Surveillance." "What he doesn't know won't hurt him Diary." So as they were finishing up with Irwin, Natalya walked up and the men bowed to her. "Why thank you gentlemen," She curtsy.  Irwin laughed at his wife and friends. Mrs. Hess joined the group. "Alright now lets give Mr. and Mrs. Greene a change to enjoy each other. If I'm not mistaken, y'all have wives waiting." The men hugged Mrs. Hess before heading to their wives.
        Mrs. Greene I forgot Mr. Greene's cane near the desert table." "That's ok Mrs. Hess, I'll get it." When Natalya left, Mrs Hess turned to Irwin, "how do you feel?" "I feel a lot better Mrs. Hess, the cocktail is working. Every time I see my wife, I get excited. What did you put on that cocktail? "Can't give out trade secrets Mr. Greene. Just know that your wife will be more than satisfied." She placed her hands on his, "go show her just how happy you are to see her. I will check in on y'all after noon." She smiled before leaving.
     "Ready to go my Darling?" Natalya handed the cane. "Where to my Love?" Natalya gave him a devious smile. "I was thinking we could take a walk to the stream, stretch your legs for a while." "As you wish my Love....as you wish. They walked off. Natalya  wrapped her arms around Irwin's and they walked away from they party. The stream is secluded from the rest of the house. It's where Natalya goes to think when she wants to get away. Tonight she won't be doing any thinking. "I have prepared a show for your eyes only my Darling." "You're in luck my beautiful wife because I'm in the mood for a private show."
Diary this is where I get off. I need to make sure my surprise is ready. I'll be right back. Don't you dare scramble anything either. Your sassy behind will survive until I get back. Now close up dear.
Your BFF

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