Part 27

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Entry 27

Dear Diary,

I had to run to get my persil girl before my coupons expired.
"Surveillance, this must be the new go to laundry detergent because some housewives rant and rave about it to me. Can we check on Mr. G?"
Ok Diary but remember, we have to tread lightly with Mr. Greene.
       "Thank God Natalya is back home, she needs a change of scenery. I'm doing this for me and for her." "How are you feeling today Irwin?" Irwin is too deep in his mind to hear Dr. Walters. "Earth to Irwin!" Dr. Walters raised his voice. "Huh?" Irwin finally said. "You were gone for a minute. Where were you?" I'm sorry Doc I was thinking about my wife." As I've said before Diary, the first six days were rough. Irwin started training with the bars. Pushing himself up wasn't bad but when he grabbed the bars and took his first step he fell face first.
       "OMG! That must have broke Mrs. G." "It did Diary, she rushed to his side but he pushed her away. He wanted to do it for himself. He finally got a handle on it by day three but it was still hard for Mrs. G to watch. Today he is a lot stronger and he is going to try it without the support belt. "I'm ready Doc." Irwin was excited to take his first step without some belt around his waist. He took two steps and stumbled forward.
       "Don't Doc!" Irwin yelled as Dr. Walters tried to help him up. "I need to do this on my own." He got up and tried again, again and again. "Oh Surveillance, I feel sad for Mr. G." "Now do you see why, I didn't update you the first six days?" So anyway after 45 minutes, he started making progress. "Irwin you have a week left, you don't have to kill your self. You have done more than enough today." "Dr. Walters is very concerned Diary." "So I'm I Surveillance." Irwin continued to focus on his walking. "Doc I need to do this. My wife is going to dance with me at that ball without that damn wheelchair." Dr. Walters gave Irwin something for the pain. Get some rest Irwin, we will pick this up in two hours." Irwin agreed and thought of the surprise he has for Natalya. "Tonight I'm going to be the man my wife married. I still can't believe she had me thinking she was cheating. God I love her so damn much. "Listen Diary, I have to get some zzzz. We'll pick things up later. Sweet dreams Diary and don't open up to anyone else.
Your BFF

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