Entry 22

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Entry 22

Dear Diary

I went to Publix today and I heard a guy asking a girl to be his valentines.
"So what's wrong with that Surveillance?" "He had an EBT card and a WIC voucher. He told her he was shopping for his sister but she told him to fuck off." You know he could be telling the truth." "He could be Diary, but considering he had a tan line on his ring finger I doubt it." "I'm glad I'm not human...to much problems. Let's talk about the Greenes. What did Irwin say to the Doctor?" I have to tell you about your girl first.
       "After Doc Walters left, Irwin went back to bed. At exactly 10:00 AM Mrs Hess knocked on their door. "Brunch is ready and Amy and Cordell are here to see y'all." Natalya rolled over in her husband's arms. "Good morning darling." Irwin kisses her on the forehead good morning my love. Are you ready for branch?" She smiled, "are you having real food this time darling?" He giggled "yes, my love. I'm saving my favorite treat for later. Now c'mon let's get ready to face our guests.
      "Good morning beautiful people" Natalya cheerfully greeted Amy and Cordell." The smile on her face reassured them that everything was fine. "Are y'all going brunch with us?" Irwin asked. The four of them sat on the patio and enjoyed the warm weather and the feast Mrs. Hess prepared. "So talya, What are you doing today? My husband is still out on business and I need some retail therapy." Natalya looked at her husband and he gave her the go ahead.
       She kissed her husband, "I'll get my purse. I need to pick out a surprise for my husband." She glanced at Cordell, "Don't go easy on him Cor...put him to work." She kissed her husband again and the ladies left. As soon as they were outside Amy hugged her friend "I'm proud of you talya! Didn't think you had it in you.! Spill and don't leave out a thing." As Natalya filled her friend in on the details, they giggled and laughed and even shed a few tears. "You did it! You got your husband back and I'm going to make some glazed strawberries for Jonathan on Valentine's Day." They laughed so loud the driver asked them if they were on something. "Aimes I'm raising that dick from the dead on Valentine's Day." "Oh my friend, I have no doubt you will." Amy laughed as she hugged her friend.
Diary, see I told you Amy was a good person. I'll fill you in on Mr. Greene later....duty calls. Don't forget to close up shop and don't open until I return.
Your forever BFF

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