Entry 10

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Entry 10

Dear Diary,
I trust that you're in a better mood today. It's payday so I'm happy about that until I pay off these bills then it's back to brokeville. Ugh! One day Diary, things will look up for us. Until then, we're just gonna gossip. I'm sorry if I was a little insensitive to your feelings. I know you have a soft spot for Mrs. Greene. Shall we continue?"
"I'm sorry I just got into the gossip for a minute there I thought I was a real person. Please continue Surveillance."
       So while Amy is taking care of your pal Mrs. Greene, Irwin is in a funk of his own. "Why didn't she tell me it was a boy?" He asked  Cordell. "She knew you were secretly praying for a boy and the news would make you feel worse. Doc Walters agreed. Listen to me Irwin, when you got out of that coma you changed. You became, demanding, unappreciated, mean and pitiful. Talya took all your shit because she knew you were just blowing off steam. She helped you embarrass your new challenges and she worked her ass of at the office. If she didn't love you she would have left. Get your head out of your ass and fix this before it's too late."
        Irwin Listened attentively...taking in every word. "It might be too late. For the first time in 27 years she didn't kiss me" Cordell looked surprised. "You're telling me from the day you and talya decided to be an item y'all kiss every day? Even when y'all had a lover's quarrel?" "Even when. We made it a habit to not let anything come between our love. This morning she left with tears in her eyes. She hid them from me but I could tell." Cordell patted his big brother on his shoulder, "Get some rest  bro; your therapist will be here before you know it. Try not to worry about Natalya. That woman is yours forever. She is probably at Amy's I'll stop by there after I dropped the roses off to the floweriest." They said their good byes and Cordell left.
"Lord I hope I have not chased my wife away." Irwin said as he got into the elevator.
       Over at the Thompson's house, Amy and Natalya finished cleaning up. "Are you ok talya?" "NO I'M NOT OK! I smell like funk Amy. What the hell did I do?" Natalya started sobbing. Amy tried to comfort her friend. "Don't fucking touch me!" Natalya exclaimed. Why the hell weren't you as drunk as I was? You said you didn't put anything in my drink so why the hell don't I remember anything?" Anger, sadness and regret is written all over Natalya's face.
      "I'm gonna fuck that butch up!" Diary scrambled. "You're not human Diary....I keep telling you that. Just take notes ok jeez louise." "I'd be laughing out loud right now if I were human." "Diary I thought you wanted to know about Mrs. Greene?" "I do!" "Them quit scrambling dammit,"
She had the nerves to scramble "LOL ok"
      "I'm sorry talya? I never put anything in your drink but I never said you weren't drugged." "YOU BITCH!" Natalya yelled as she slapped Amy across her facing sending her to the ground, rendering her unconscious. "BRAVO MRS. GREENE." "Calm down Diary." Natalya shook her hand, "ouch! that hurt! But damn it felt good. I have to get out of here." Natalya said to herself as she took her phone from her pocket to call Frank. "Please God if you get me out of this with dignity I will never drink without my husband again." She thought. Her mind is still in a haze so remembering Frank's new number is not easy. As she fished through her call log she asked herself "If Amy didn't drug me, then who did?" Somewhere behind her a voice said "I did!"
     "Damn can Mrs. Greene catch a break?" "I know Diary but you'll have to wait to find out. My stomach is rumbling...got to eat. Be back soon ok. You know the drill, don't open up to anyone else...not even Mrs. Greene."
Your BFF,

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