Part 31

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Entry 31

Dear Diary,

I know you are anxious to get started so let's get down and dirty with the Greenes. Natalya is proudly sitting in Irwin's lap as they got off the elevator. "My darling, how are you going to get outside? You hate wheeling yourself on the lawn." Irwin smiled at her, "you worry too much my Love. Mrs. Hess set up a temporary path for me after you and the girls decorated. The place is magnificent. Mrs. Hess sent me pics. You three should consider opening an interior decoration business." "If you promise me you'll focus on getting better. No more pity parties my Darling."
       "I promise my Love. No more pity parties." He bowed his head in Natalya's arms "hail to the Queen!" Natalya burst out laughing. "What did I do?" "You helped me see what I was slowly losing if I didn't shape up. That cheating stunt you pulled did it for me. What made you think of that idea?" "A good magician never reveals her secrets. Now c'mon let's mix and mingle."
"Way to go Mrs. G! Let him wonder." "Diary you're a sneaky one aren't you?" "But of course Surveillance. I can't tell you how many times I laugh secretly at some of the secrets I keep. Journal and I would compare notes and laugh at couples who think they are cheating on their faithful spouse." Y'all are bad Diary, let's continue."
       The Greenes opened the door to the bark yard and everyone stopped and clapped for them. Natalya and Irwin wheeled to the end of Mrs. Hess's red carpet. Cordell and Melody joined the Greenes. "Natalya got up from Irwin's lap and hugged her in laws. "Irwin!"Cordell greeted they shook hands. Amy and Jonathan joined them and their friends began to make fun of Irwin. He took it in stride because he knows they love him. Jonathan joked about having someone on two legs for Natalya. Since it was clear that Irwin wasn't going to wheel on the lawn all their friends and family came to them. The party was lit.
       There was something on the menu for everyone. Bartenders were serving up every cocktail known to man. Everyone was having fun eating, drinking, dancing and chatting it up. Natalya was having the time of her life. Irwin kept whispering sweet nothings in her ear causing her to giggle. Mrs. Hess brought Irwin a cocktail. "Take this Mr. Greene, this is all the cocktail you need. Sip on it until it's all done." Natalya looked at them suspiciously. "Don't worry Mrs. Greene, this cocktail will not mess with his meds." She  was relieved. 
       The sound of someone tapping on a glass had everyone's attention. "Ladies and Gentlemen May I have your attention please." Doc Walters too the floor. "This is a party so I'll make it brief; As you know I've been working with Irwin on his recovery and recently he has made tremendous progress. Mrs. Hess would you please do the honors?" Mrs. Hess took over "Mrs Greene it's only fair for you to do it." Mrs. Hess handed Natalya something that looks like a pool cue case. She accepted it and nervously took it to Irwin." "HE CAN WALK! HE CAN WALK! HE CAN WALK! 💃💃💃💃" "Seriously Diary? So this is you dancing and singing?" "You know it Surveillance. Now carry on."
       Anyway, Natalya took the case thingy to Irwin. "Thank you my Love." He said as he took it and opened it. Everyone is looking at Irwin. "Mrs. G is getting some tonight! Mrs. G..." "you know what Diary, since you know what's going to happen I'm not going to waste my time writing. My fingers need to rest anyway. I'm done!" "NO! NO! NOOOO Surveillance. I'm sorry." Pleaseee continue." "No! Serves me right for writing in a damn Diary that writes back....Ugh! I'm closing up shop and you better not open up to anyone else."
Your Valentines and unfortunately your BFF

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