Etety 30

32 4 1

Entry 30

Dear Diary

I know you've been ready so let's just get to it.
Doc. Walters limo pulled up to chateau Greene. He got the wheelchair from the trunk and as Irwin dragged himself to the chair, Mrs. Hess walked out and greeted them. "Good evening gentlemen. You two look dashing in your suits." They smiled and greeted her back. "Mr. Greene,  Mrs. Greene is upstairs in your bedroom." He nodded, "thanks Mrs. Hess, you didn't tell her a thing did you?" "Your secret is safe with me Mr. Greene. Doc Walters looked concerned. "Irwin are you sure about this? You could cause your body more harm than good if you jump in too soon." "Doc I appreciate your concern but I feel fine."
       Irwin went in search for his wife while Doc Walters went to find his wife among the guests. Irwin opened their bedroom door quietly. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing up here all alone?" "My Darling!" Natalya exploded as she jumped into her husband's lap. Muah! Muah! Muah! Natalya placed kisses all over his face. "I miss you too my love," Irwin smiled as he kissed her with a hunger that almost gave him away.
Surveillance I think Mr. Greene's toe feelings have moved up a few notches...Ugh! I'm so jealous of Natalya." "We'll see Diary, he probably just got a good strap on. Just take notes ok? You getting better at being a fake human you know." "Why thank you, surveillance. Shall we continue?"
       "Our guests are waiting my Love." Natalya wrapped her arms around Irwin's neck, rest her head on his shoulders and sobbed uncomfortable. "I'm sad Surveillance. She just missed him so much." "I know Diary, I'm sad for her too. Let's press on. Irwin held her closer "it's ok Love, I'm here. I missed you too. Let's just mix and mingle with out friends for a while then we'll sneak out." Natalya lifted her head and looked at Irwin. "I missed you so much my Darling, please tell me you're home for good." Irwin wiped her tears. "I'm back for good. We will continue physical therapy right here." They kissed before she got up. "Twirl for me my Love, you look divine."
        Natalya was wearing a red iris slit crepe gown with red ankle strap sandal. Her hair was long and natural so she just curled it into bouncy curls. It flowed on one shoulder to give it a more seductive and full look. Amy suggested she wore a face moisturizer instead of make up to show her natural beauty.  She wore the necklace Irwin sent over earlier and paired it with some diamond earrings. "All for you my darling." Natalya twirled for Irwin and again, he almost gave away his surprise. "C'mon my love, let's join our friends before I change my mind."
"Diary, I have a surprise of my own gurl but you'll have to wait and see. I need a refill. Don't open up to anyone...not even you."
Your Valentines and BFF

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