Entry 28

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Entry 28

Dear Diary,

"Will you be my Valentines Diary?" "Awww Surveillance, I'm honored. Of course I'll be your Valentines. I was going to ask you the same thing."  "Cool so tonight we will just stay in bed, eat popcorn and gossip. Shall we begin? It Valentine's Day Diary. I'm scared to find out what the Greene's have up their sleeves." "Ouuuu bring it on Surveillance. I'm hoping Mrs G would be first." You really like Mrs G don't you Diary?" Surveillance let's just say if I were human she'd be my lesbian lover." "TMI Diary...lol. Let's just begin.
       "After talking to Frank and Keep Hope Alive Children's hospital Administrator, two things were clear. The man responsible for our accident will never actually be free and now more than ever, I want to carry my husband's baby." "Talya sweetie are you ok? You seemed distracted." "I'm ok Amy. I was just thinking about Irwin. Helping out with the ball was the distraction I needed but it also had me thinking about a lot of other things." Amy got up from the couch. They were both tired from making sure everything was ready for the party.
       "C'mon Talya, let's go for a walk." "Ugh! Girl I'm tired." "Get your ass up Natalya! Some fresh air will do us good. We will lean on each other." Natalya and Amy walked out the door arm in arm. Amy inhaled, "fresh air, just what the Dr. ordered. Natalya smile at her friends, "thanks for being here Aimes, your methods may be questionable but you are a true friend." Amy pulled Natalya closer to her, "girl you know I've got your back. I would have paid to be a fly on the wall when Irwin found out your lover wasn't human." They laughed like they didn't have a care in the world. 
       "Amy I want to have a baby."
"Talya I know science has come along way by I don't think it's to a point where I can impregnate you."
Surveillance that Amy is a mess. She has me laughing and I'm not even human...smh." She is crazy Diary. Natalya is laughing her head off. "Aimes, I'm serious. Now that Irwin is no longer feeling sorry for himself we can focus on us. We can adopt. We had so much fun before the accident. We had fuck-athon Fridays, wild out Wednesdays, seductive Sundays and sexy Saturdays. Wild out Wednesdays was my favorite. Irwin always surprised me. We worked long hours but we always took care of each other's needs.
       "Damn! Talaya, I gave to schedule sex with Jonathan. I almost raped his ass the other night when he came home all tired and worn out. He finally gave in and fucked me so hard, I couldn't walk straight for days." They laughed as they walk down memory lane. "Tonight I have a treat for Jonathan and a preposition." "You can keep the treat." Natalya laughed "What's the preposition?" Amy is going to back to work as her husband's secretary so she can have her quickies whenever she wants.
      "Let's get back Aimes, we have a ball to prepare for and husbands to entertain." The besties walked back to chateau Greene to get ready.
Oops Diary I forgot to charge BOB. I'll be right back. Chop-chop, close up shop and don't open up...you know the rest.
Your Valentines and BFF

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