Entry 29

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Entry 29

Dear Diary,

BOB is on the charger and we have a refill of popcorn. Let's begin. Natalya, Melody and Amy did a wonderful job. Chateau Greene's backyard has been transformed into Cupid's paradise. "Let me cut you off right here Surveillance, I need gossip, decorations are for DIY entries. We don't do that boring stuff." "Well excuse me." "You're excused Surveillance, I'm just tired of all these floral arrangements and center pieces. Red, pink and white ribbons everywhere...ugh! So boring." "Ok Diary; but as the young folks say, the place is lit!"
       "Mrs Greene, you look sensational, why the long face?" Mrs. Hess entered the room with a gift box in her hand. "I haven't spoken to Irwin since I left him. All my attempts go straight to voicemail. I'm worried Mrs. Hess." She handed Natalya the small box. "This came for you." Natalya looked at the box suspiciously as she took it.
Diary: I love present
Surveillance: you're not human
Diary: Ugh! Let's move on.
Natalya's face lit up when she opened the small box and saw the Loving Embrace Pendent Necklace with their names and heart shaped crystal birthstones. It was exquisite. A tear dropped followed by another. "It's beautiful" she gushed.
       Mrs. Hess helped her put it on. "Mrs. Greene this necklace is so beautiful and the perfect way to symbolize your love. Wait until you see how he topped this off." Natalya turned to face Mrs. Hess, "what did you say?" Mrs. Hess realizing she almost spill the beans, had to think quick. "I was just thinking if he got you this for Valentine's I can only imagine what he'll get you for your birthday." "Oh ok. He picks the best gifts Mrs. Hess. I wish he was here already." Mrs. Hess gave her a warm hug before she left.
       Diary I know you love Mrs. G but let's check in on Irwin. "Ok Surveillance. Mr. G is such a romantic."
       "Irwin are you ready to go?" Doc. Walters ask as he entered the room. Irwin wheeled himself out of the room. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I have not seen or spoken to my wife since she left yesterday." "I'm sure she hasn't file for divorce even though you kept sending her calls to voicemail." Irwin thought about his wife and how upset she must be. He hoped the necklace will make her happy. "I needed to do this on my own Doc. No man wants his wife to see him at his lowest point. My surprise will make up for it." "You've worked really hard and I'm proud of you. Your surprise will definitely make up for it."
I'm sure Mrs. G will love his surprise Surveillance."
"Gurl this is Irwin we're talking about you know she takes one look at him and all is forgiven. I'm going to see if BOB is fully charged. Close up shop honey and don't open up to anyone else.
Your Valentines and BFF

Dear Diary Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora