Entry 17

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Entry 17

Dear Diary,

"Don't you dear Diary me Surveillance! How long has it been, 3 days? I may not be human but I know it doesn't take that long to let your bladder gladder."
"Listen Diary, I'm sorry ok. I'll make it up to you. At least you had some days to talk to Journal about y'all custody arrangements. Y'all need to get y'all shit together for the sake of Memo."
"Whatever Surveillance. Let's just get down to the gossip. How are the Greenes? And please pick up where you left off."
      "IRWIN!" Natalya screamed. She dropped the blanket and pillow and rushed to her husband. "Oh God!"  Irwin fell of the bed when he was trying to get to his wheelchair. He tried to help himself up but that proved difficult. "Darling I'm right here. Come on let's get you back up." Irwin didn't want Natalya's help but he needed it.  Natalya is starting to feel guilty for lying to her husband . "Irwin, there is something I need to tell you." "Not now Natalya, I'm not in the mood. Please leave, I don't think we should say anything else before we both say something we might regret."
     Natalya didn't want to leave her husband but he insisted a night apart is what they both needed . Before she left she turned to look at him. His eyes were already on her. Betrayal is written on both of their faces. "Irwin I'm...." "I know sweetheart, I'm sorry too. We'll talk in the morning."
      In the guest bedroom Natalya is wearing out the carpet. "God I'm going to kill Cordell and Amy for this." She grabbed her phone and called Cordell.
Cordell: talya? Is everything ok?
Natalya: you people have no hearts do you? Y'all expect me to be ok after lying to my husband?
Cordell: I'm sorry talya. What happened?
Natalya: I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom that's what happened. I tried to tell him the truth but he didn't want to hear it.
Cordell: Listen to me talya, this is what we've been hoping for.  You want the man you knew before the accident. Trust me you're going to have him back by morning.
Natalya: For your sake you better be right.
Cordell: talya, I have to go...your husband is on the other line. Get some rest and be prepared to thank me in the morning.
      Cordell hung up and Natalya is still pacing back and forth. "Cordell is right by morning I'll be thanking him for helping me wreck my marriage or for getting my old husband back." As she talked to herself she wondered what Irwin and Cordell could be talking about. She knew it's not business because her husband never discussed business when he's in bed unless it's urgent.
      Meanwhile, in the Greene's bedroom. "How I'm I going to get my wife back? She cheated on me! Can I forgive that? Irwin dialed his brother.
Cordell: hello brother.
Irwin: "She cheated on me" he said disappointedly.
Cordell: well look at that! Wishes do come true. You sound depressed Irwin. You got what you wanted. Shouldn't you be celebrating?
Irwin: Fuck You Cordell!
Cordell: are you mad because it wasn't with me? I'm surprised she did but Irwin you told her to have an affair and she did. Now what are you going to do about that?
Irwin: if I knew I wouldn't be calling you, asshole
Cordell: I'm not going to entertain your self pity party but I will give you a little advice. You can't change the past. If you love her you need to forgive her and move on. Be the man you were before the accident. I heard Natalya talking to Melody once about the way you would surprise her after a fight. Dig up your old tricks and lay one on her. She loves you Bro.
In the background Melody is calling Cordell.
Cordell: Gotta go love up on my wife and I suggest you do the same to yours.  After Cordell hung up Irwin started wheeling himself around the room.
"I guess he can't pace like Mrs. G so he wheels huh?"
"I guess so Diary."
       "I'm the reason my wife cheated. I have to make it right. I still love her very much." As he talks to himself a wicked thought came to him. "I know just how I'm going to get my Natalya back."
    Well Diary, duty calls. I promise to come back after my shift. Until then do not open up to anyone.
Your BFF

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