Part 40

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Entry 40

Dear Diary

"How are you feeling? Did you hook up with Journal?" "Yawning! It was a long night Surveillance. I decided to give Journal a second chance. I will find away to get him out of boredom." "Ha ha ha! You crack me up Diary. I tore BOB up last night. I need to order another one on Amazon since I've got Prime." "😂😂😂! Damn! That Mr. Greene was a beast. He had you fucking the shit out of BOB huh? I hope Mrs. Greene is not as torn up as BOB Surveillance." "I hope not to Diary. Let's check on them shall we?"
       Natalya opened her eyes to see she was in their bed. She looked around the room but no signs of Irwn. The clock on the wall says 1:30 PM. "Damn! I didn't realize it's so late." She thought as she lazily got out of bed in her birthday suit. The minute her legs touched the floor she cringed as the pain exploded in her legs. "Damn you Irwin." She cursed as a smile graced her face. She remembered all the explosive orgasms she had last night. Natalya struggled to find her balance. Lucky for her the umbrella she kept next to her bed for sentimental reasons came in handy.
       "Back track! Back track! Surveillance. Mrs. Green keeps an umbrella next to her bed?" "Yes Diary, it belonged to her mom and since her mom is no longer with her, she wanted to keep the umbrella close." "Ok Surveillance, continue." Anyway, Natalya finally got her balance thanks to the umbrella. She grabbed a thong from the underwear draw and one of Irwin's tees and slowly made her way to the bathroom. The throbbing between her legs is yet another reminder of her Wild-out-Wednesday with her husband. She squeezed her legs together and moan.
        "Who gave you permission to get out of bed Love?" Irwin's voice startled her. "Darling! She threw the umbrella at him. "It's bad enough I can't walk you want to give me a heart attack too?" Irwin laughed as he grabbed her and pulled her to his chest. "Good afternoon my Love." He kissed her before she could answer. "Get back in bed Love, I'm not done with you yet." He uttered as he slowly sucked her bottom lips. "I have to pee Irwin and I need to eat. What were you doing in here anyway?"
       He kissed her again. "I was putting away the lien. I'm going down to fix us a tray be in bed by the time I get back." He playfully slapped her naked ass as he left and wend down the stairs. "Surveillance you might want to stop because you destroyed BOB and I have a feeling Mr. Greene is not done pleasuring his wife." Ha ha ha...nice of you to think of me but I'm good Diary, I'll just take a nice cold shower."
       Natalya got dressed in her husband's tees and her thong then brushed her teeth and got back into bed. "I must have been out like a light because I smell like lavender so I know Irwin must have cleaned me up last night. Lord I'm so happy my husband had no ill intensions because the things he could do to me when I'm asleep only You know. I've heard of men raping their women when they're asleep and doing all sorts of crazy nasty things." Natalya's one-sided conversation with her conscience was so deep she didn't hear Irwin knock or entered their room.
        "Chicken salad sandwich, home made potato chips, strawberries, baby carrots and water. All parts of your favorites." Irwin took the serving tray to Natalya on the bed. As he sat next to her she kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks my darling but I should be the one taking care of you. How are you feeling?" Irwin put a baby carrots in his mouth and fed it to his wife. She kissed him taking half the baby carrot in her mouth. "Eat my Love, we will talk later."
       While the Greenes were eating and playing footsie they heard Mrs. Hess' voice; "Mr. and Mrs. Greene do not wish to be disturb at this moment." Irwin got up and as soon as he opened the door Amy and Melody barged in. "Talya are you ok? Amy asked as they jumped on the bed and helped themselves to baby carrots. They completely ignored Irwin. "Of course she's ok. What the hell are y'all doing here?" The ladies ignored Irwin. "Don't y'all have husbands to entertain?" They continue to ignore him.
       "We want details gurl." Melody added. Natalya started laughing. "Oh my darling can you give us a minute?" "Yes my darling give us a minute Natalya and Melody mocked in unison. Irwin reluctantly took the tray but left the carrots since the ladies were nibbling on them. "oh my Mrs. Greene is about to spill some tea." "She sure is  Diary." "Ahhhh!" Natalya Screamed in her pillow. "Y'all my husband is back and I'm so happy.  Girls, last night he showed my pussy no mercy. When I started coming I didn't stop until I passed out.  He is off to a fucktastic start."
       Look at her Melody." "I'm looking Amy, looks like she's back to her old self as well. No hint of sadness or depression in her eyes. I won't be surprised if her ass is pregnant." The ladies burst out laughing. "Anyways Talya we came here to tell you the strawberry glaze was a hit." "Yes gurl Cordell couldn't get enough. You might not be the only pregnant broad in this room." Melody added. They laughed even harder. "I'm glad y'all had a fun evening too." Natalya told the ladies of her wild evening and they listened intently while nibbling on baby carrots. They laughed and shed happy tears as the recounted stories of their evening.
       While they girls are upstairs catching up, Irwin is downstairs walking back and forth. "What's wrong Mr. Greene? Mrs. Hess inquired. "You can't get rid of two nosy ladies?" She joked. "I don't know if I want to get rid of them." "Are you feeling ok Mr. Greene? I thought you wanted to spend time with Mrs. Greene?" "She thinks she has her husband back and I thought I was the man she knew before the accident.  I don't know anymore." Mr. Greene that woman upstairs loves you. She speakers of you with great admiration and pride. She only wants you to be yourself. You have worked really hard this past week. Don't settle back into that dark hole again. It will destroy will destroy you."
       "Damn Surveillance! Please tell me the Greenes will be ok."  "Hold on Diary, I need to place that order for BOB's replacement. I'm not leaving so you don't have to close your doors.
Your BFF

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