Part 34

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Entry  34

Dear Diary,

Let's get straight to the gossip." "Carry on Surveillance because I need to know if that's a strap-on or the real deal." Smh. Any way Natalya swayed to the music while she leaned deeper into Irwin. "My Darling Irwin, I see you are holding out on me. Is this natural or artificial." Irwin chuckled "My Love if you are wondering if what you're feeling is real there is only one way to find out." The song ended and Natalya helped her husband to a chair. "How are you feeling Mr. Greene?" Mrs. Hess rushed over with Doc, Walters not far behind him.
       "I'm ok, I'm ok. My wife needed to rest. Irwin wasn't lying. He has been leaning on Natalya and even though she would never complain about it. He knew she was tired. "Love, be a dear and get me a glass of water please." Natalya kisses her husband before she left. "Doc I need the pain meds now. My wife and I have plans and I don't want to disappoint her. I will deal with the consequences in the morning." Doc. Walters was hesitant but he reached in his jacket and pulled out a small envelope. "Irwin this hasn't been tested but since you insisted on taking it, I caution you to be careful. Call me the second you feel any discomfort." Irwin agreed before taking the pill from Doc. Walters. "Mr. Greene, the cocktail should start working. Mrs. Greene will be pleased."
      "Mrs. Hess what cocktail did you give Irwin? We must be careful not to mix anything with his current treatment." "Just some herbs I put together to help him....nothing harmful. My daughter is an herbalist. She gave me the recipe." Natalya came back with the water, "Why the serious faces?" She looked at her husband "Darling are you ok?" Irwin gave her a reassuring smile as he took the glass of water from her hand. "He's more than ok Mrs. Greene. We were just telling Mr. Greene how well you've handled all this." She  looked at the Doc. "Let's leave the lovebirds alone. We do have Valentines waiting for us." They shared a laugh before leaving Irwin and Natalya alone. Natalya seemed worried. "My Darling, I think you are doing too much too soon. Let's call it a night and get you in bed."
      "I'm find  My Love. If it gets too hard to handle, I'll get the wheelchair...I promise." Natalia's facial expression lighten up as she sat on her Irwin's lap. She rest her head on his shoulders. "I love you so much!" Irwin gave her a gentle squeeze "look at me Mrs. Greene." Natalya looked at Irwin and as they got lost in each other's eyes, Natalya slowly moved to the beat of the slow jam. "You're being naughty again Mrs. Greene." "I'm just dancing with my husband." Natalya said innocently. She kissed him lightly, "I'm going to find Amy to ask her to cover for us. I'll be right back."
       Irwin opened his mouth to speak but Natalya shushed him. Natalya found Amy laughing it up with Melody and Doc. Walters wife. "Can I join in the fun?" "Talya!" Amy opened her arms to welcome her friend. "Come! Join us. We're talking about out husbands." "Is everything ok Talya?" Melody asked. "Everything is fine." She blushed "I think everything is going to be better than fine." "Oh oh someone is getting some tonight." Amy sang. The ladies are all excited for Natalya. "Talya your husband has inspired all our husbands in way you won't imagine. Even with a dead snake he was able to hiss pleasure into you. I'm sure y'all be alright." Doc. Walters Prisca is also the ladies OBGYN. She hugged Natalya and whispered, "he's whole again sweetie and he knows what time it is." The ladies enjoyed a few more laughs and the assured Natalya they will hold down the fort while she sneaks off with her husband.
"Hold up surveillance, I need to send a message Journal. I'm not getting back with that jerk, I just need to use his tool for a few minutes since Irwin in taken." "I understand, I'll wait. Just don't share our gossip with anyone else.
Your BFF

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