Entry 14

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Entry 14

Dear Diary,

No time for chitchat today. Let's head to the Chateau.
"She did it! I never thought she would but what the hell did I expect? My wife cheated on me and It all my fault." Irwin kept talking to himself. He grabbed the bra and thong of the floor and put them along with the rest of the cloths in the hamper. He waited around for her to come out of the bathroom not sure of what he was going to say.
      In the bathroom Natalya is out of the shower. She admired her nakedness in the mirror. Her 5ft  3 1/4 inches frame still has some scares from the accident. Her ivory complexion is not doing a very good job at hiding them. She traced a finger on each scar and thank God for her life. There was a long scar under her stomach near her bikini line. A reminder of her greatest loss to date. Upon arrival at the hospital she was rushed into emergency surgery to remove the baby. He died on impact during the accident. Her eyes got cloudy and the wave of tears in her eyes crashed onto her face. She tried to contain it but it was too late.
     "Poor Mrs. Greene. She is finally grieving."
"I know Diary...I know. She'll get through it.
      Natalya kept her hand on the scar as she sobbed. "Why Lord, why give me a soul so precious only to take him away before he had a chance to live." Sadness turned into anger, anger turned into range. "My baby!" She cries. "He's going to pay for killing my baby."
      "Natalya are you alright! Sweetheart open the door." Irwin yelled. He heard her crying but he just thought she was sorry for cheating. When he heard her threat through the tears he knew something was wrong. "Open the door Natalya!"
"Go away Irwin!" Irwin got as close to the door as he could. "Please sweetheart, let me in. We both lost him. We shouldn't go through this alone."
Natalya stopped crying "him? How did he know?" She thought. "I'm sorry, sweetheart I couldn't protect you or save our son, please open the door." Irwin started banging on the door, loud enough that Natalya can hear but not loud enough to scare her.
      Natalya is bottled up in a corner, too weak to stand up. "I can't, please just go away." "Have it your way. I'm canceling dinner but if you're not out in 15 minutes, I'm breaking down the door." Natalya knew Mrs. Hess made Irwin's favorites because she was trying to make him feel better. "Irwin are you still there?" "Yes my love." "Can you ask Mrs. Hess to have dinner brought up to our room?" "Ok love...15 minutes Natalya, then I'm breaking in."
     Somehow the thought of her husband breaking in made Natalya chuckle. She sat in that corner for a few minutes then she went back into the shower to rinse the tears of her body before facing her husband. She took one more look in the mirror before wrapping herself into her bath towel. She opened the bathroom door and her husband was right outside the door. "Here she is."  Irwin motioned for Natalya to sit on his lap. She hesitated. "Come on sweetheart." She took the hand he held out to her and he reeled her in.
      They wrapped their arms around each other. No words were needed. Natalya rested her head on her husband shoulder and exhaled sharply. "We don't have to talk." Irwin said. She relaxed a little while they enjoy the silence and the rhythm of each other's heartbeat until a knock on the door interrupted their silence.
"I'll bet you it Mrs. Hess with their dinner."
"Bet all you want Diary but you won't know until I get back."
"Ugh! What's your excuse now?"
"Well Diary, if you must know, I have a date with a live bait...tah-tah."
"I may not be human but I can still scramble the word pout."
"Pout all you want Diary just as long as you don't open up to anyone."
You're still my BFF

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