Season 4 Episode 1 Part 1

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 1

Rating: T

Summary: We will start off where the show left off with Jessie and Katie holding hands

Authors Note: I started watching Once and Again a few months ago thought that it was one of the best shows I have ever seen, and wish so badly that they hadn't canceled the show. I have read other fanfiction and feel that no one who has tried to complete the fourth season has watched the show before and does not knows any of the characters personalities, I do, and after 16 years it is time for the fourth season to be written. I am most likely going to mainly focus on Jessie and Katie, but all of the other characters are going to be mentioned. I am going to do a whole a whole 22 episodes. Each episode will be posted on a Monday the same day of the week each episode of Once and Again aired before it was cancelled. The next episode would have aired on April 22, 2002 and that is going to be the date the episode will take place.

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Once and Again Opening Song

Jessie Black and White

"I just think that sometimes things happen between people that you don't really expect, sometimes the things that are important are the ones that seem weirdest or the most wrong, and those are the ones that change your life." I said that to mother, but I was really referring to myself. She look over at Katie who was sitting right next to her.

Monday April 22, 2002, Upton Sinclair High School

Jessie is at is her locker getting her books for her first period class, when a certain someone comes up from behind,

"Hey Billie" Katie screamed.

"Hi Billie" Jessie said almost as loud.

"How are you on this wonderful day?" Katie asked.

"Katie it's Monday, forty degrees outside, and is going to be pouring rain all day, how is this a wonderful day?" Jessie answered a question with a question.

"Any day that I am with you is a wonderful day."

They stood there in the moment wishing that could press their lips against each other, but instead they settled for long stair at each other. They were so indulged into each other that they didn't notice someone was trying to talk to them.

"JESSIE & KATIE ARE YOU IN THERE?" they were pulled out of the trace by Tad who practically screamed in their ears. They turned towards Tad both with venomous looks on their face.

"What's the matter with you Tad, how would you like it if I walked up to you and scream in your ear!" Katie said ready to rip Tads head off. Jessie gave him a venomous look.

"I said hello to the both of you three times, and neither of you said a word." he said defensively, "Can I ask you to what I wanted to ask you, or are you going to zone out again."

"Ask away." Katie said starting to calm down.

"Friday night were having a party at my place, and wanted to know if the two of you wanted to come."

Katie looked over Jessie, Jessie nodded her head yes, and Katie said, "Tad, you should know by now that there isn't a party I would miss."

"And there isn't a party that she's going to that I would miss." Jessie said adding onto what Katie said.

"Cool, I'll see you both Friday at 9:00. Oh, Jess do you need a ride?" Tad said,

Jessie blushed out of embarrassment, Tad was not aware of Jessie relationship with Katie, or that Jessie was a lesbian, "I don't know Katie can you give me a ride."

Katie responded quickly, "Sure." Then turned her attention to Tad and said, "Tad, can you save me the gas money and mileage, and drive us both."

He looked at Katie, and said kind of pissed, "Ya, sure, whatever." He walked away with his head held down, as the bell for first period rang.

"I'll see you at lunch." Katie shouted at Jessie exchange once last look with her girlfriend.

"I'll see you." Jessie said wishing that she could just wrap her arms around Katie's waist and kiss her on the spot.

Katie Black and White

"This girl I have never met anyone like her." She looked over at Jessie who was now sitting next to her.

Screen turns black and goes to a commercial

Once and Again Season 4Where stories live. Discover now