Season 4 Episode 4 Part 3

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 4 Part 3

Rating: T

Episode Name: Vengeance

Summary: Katie, Tad, and Jessie to go the class room for detention.

Authors Note: Hope you guys are enjoying Once and Again Season 4 so far.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 posted on Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Post a review, or any ideas you guys have, I'd like to know what you Once and Again fans think.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Upton Sinclair High School Just after the last bell of the day rung

Katie and Jessie are standing by Jessie's locker waiting for Mr. Dimitri's old classroom to clear out so that detention can start.

"I'm sure I failed." Katie said. Her and Jessie where talking about a pop quiz Katie had last period.

"I'm sure you did fine."

"He through it us at last second and we only had five minutes to take it."

"Katie, when something goes into your head you never forget it."

"She's right you know." Tad walked up behind them, and backed up Jessie's statement

"Do you even know what we're talking about?" Katie asked Tad.

Tad paused for a second and thought about what to say because he had no idea what they were talking about, "It had to do with you rarely not forgetting things."

"Katie got a pop quiz last period, and she thinks that she failed."

"I did."

"You'll be fine. Somehow with you when one thing goes in one ear it doesn't go out the other."

Once the halls where empty "You three come in." they turned around and saw the Principle standing by the door.

"Mr. Stevens is in charge of detention?" Jessie asked having never been in detention before.

Katie and Tad where just as surprised, "Only when he wants to talk to the students himself," she turned her head and saw him glaring at them from the opening of the door to Mr. Dimitri's old classroom, "and that isn't often."

"Nowlick must have made a big deal out of what happened this morning." Tad said, as they turned around and walked into the classroom.

Once they entered Mr. Stevens said, "Close the door behind you, and take a seat" Tad closed the door and the three of them sat in the first three seats, "looks like it's just three of you today." "Ms. Singer, Mr. Myers good to see you two again. Ms. Sammler you're the last person I thought I would see in here."

"I guess there's a first time for everything." Jessie said

"Well this isn't it your free to go."

"What, why?" Jessie said surprised.

"I was walking past, your class at last period on Friday and saw what Mr. Nowlick did, I think you've been through enough, you can leave if you want, I'm not going mark you down for anything." The principle said, with a half grin on his face, knowing what a good student Jessie was, and that she was the last person that deserved to be in detention after what had happened.

"Does Mr. Nowlick know, I mean what if he says something?" Jessie asked not wanting to experience what she went through on Friday again.

"If he says something or talks you like the way he did on Friday again, just pick up your bag, and walk down to my office. There is a difference between, getting a student to pay attention, and embarrassing someone in front of a whole class." Jessie smiled at what the principle said.

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