Season 4 Episode 4 Part 4 B

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 4 Part 4 B

Rating: T

Episode Name: Vengeance

Summary: Katie, Tad, and Jessie are sitting in Dr. Rosenfeld's office.

Authors Note: Hope you guys are enjoying Once and Again Season 4 so far.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 will be posted Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Post a review, or any ideas you guys have, I'd like to know what you Once and Again fans think.

Where we left off last week

"So Tad, Katie how long have you two been friends." Dr. Rosenfeld started off the conversation.

"We meant back in the, was it second or third grade?" Tad asked Katie

"Second I think." Katie said, "Best friends since then...well until I meet Jessie of course."

"She stole the title of Katie's best friend from me, and I wouldn't have gotten it back if she and Jessie didn't become girlfriends." Tad said.

"You know about Jessie and Katie?" Dr. Rosenfeld asked interested with what Tad just said.

"Ya, I was one of the first people Katie told about her, and Katie had a drunken ranting about her Jessie at a party I had about two months ago." Katie put her face in her hands, still embarrassed about what happened months ago, not because she told Tad about her and Jessie, the reason she was still embarrassed was because Jessie had to see her like that. Jessie, is sitting in her chair thinking to herself - You idiot all your doing in giving him ammo -

"Jessie and Katie told me about that." Dr. Rosenfeld said as he picked up a glass of water and took a drink of it, "Tad correct me if I'm wrong but you took Jessie on a date at the beginning of the school year when you two where working on that play right?"

"Ya, she came with me to a bowling party."

"And then you asked her out again to a party at Katie's is that also correct?"

"Also correct."

"Jessie said, that at the party you tried to kiss her she didn't want to kiss you is that also correct?" Jessie started to blush a little bit still wondering why she told him that.

"It's a possibility."

"Possibility!" Katie burst out, "You practically tried to have sex with her on the couch in my living room."

"Katie!" Jessie said not wanting anyone to know that.

"Possibility or not you did try to kiss Jessie yes or no?"

"Yes, where are you going with this?"

"Just asking a few questions. I want to know what type of relationship you have with Jessie."

"If you wanted to know that you should've just asked. We sit and lunch, talk about Katie when she isn't around, she dates my best friend, and sometimes I give her a ride if she needs it. You know friends. "

"From what you said before that it seemed like you wanted to be more than just friends."

"That was at the time. Before..." Tad said which caught Jessie attention.

Jessie cut Tad off, "Tad, what do you mean, at the time?"

"Jess, I think it's pretty obvious he had a crush on you, and then you turned out to be dating me." Katie said in a stating the obvious tone.

"Is that true." Jessie asked.

Tad closed eyes for a second and scratched his eyebrow with his thumb once or twice, "Ya that pretty much sums it up."

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