Season 4 Episode 6 Part 3

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 6 Part 3

Rating: T (Some parts of this episode will be Rated M)

Episode Name: Shades of Love

Summary: Karen is in her bed room getting ready for her diner date with henry.

Authors Note: Hope you guys enjoyed the third episode of the fourth season of Once and Again.

Got held up at a party had to post late.

If you have any ideas for episodes, please write them under reviews. Just keep in mind that unlike the last three seasons of Once and Again this one is primary from Jessie, Katie, Grace, and Eli's perspective.

All episode of Once and Again Season 4 will posted Friday's between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Karen's House: Karen's Bedroom

It's 6:50 p.m. at Karen's house, she is in her room putting on a pair of earrings for her dinner date with Henry, when she heard Jessie walk in the room, "Mom, you look really nice." Jessie knowing that her mother said she was staying in for the night.

"I have a friend coming over for dinner." Karen said.

"You could just say that Henry is coming over." Jessie said.

Karen rolled her eyes and looked back in the mirror to try and fix her hair, "You and your brother are going to meet your father at the air-port, and then go get something to eat."

"Yes, mom." Jessie said with a smile on her face thinking about how she was going to address bring up the top about her and Katie.

"Remember stay out until after 11:00." Karen said thinking she was finally looked nice, "and how do I look?"

"Beautiful." Jessie said complimenting her mother.

"Jessie!" Eli shouted from down stairs, "Let's go!"

"I'm coming!" Jessie shouted back, she turned towards her mom gave her a hug and kiss said, "Bye mom," and left.

"Bye." Karen said. Jessie walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Karen then looked back in the mirror, checked one last time that she looked nice, and left her room to go down stair and finish cooking.

Henry Place: The Bathroom

Henry is in his bathroom finishing trimming his go tee and getting dress for his dinner date with Karen. At that moment he heard the phone in the kitchen stopped what he was doing, and bolted down stairs, he grabbed the phone, and answered it, "Hello."

"Hey its me, didn't you leave yet?

"No I'm about to.

"The kids just left, and I'm almost done cooking." Karen said.

"I'm leaving my house in ten minutes."

"Ok, I see you in a little while."

"Bye." They hung up the phone and henry went up to the bathroom to finish with his go tee.

The Liquor Store: Red Wine Aisle

Henry I walking through the aisle wondering which type of wine Karen was in the mood for, he pulled out his phone dialed her number and called her, "I'm at the liquor store and wasn't sure if you wanted red or white tonight."

"Red is fine and thankyou for taking me into consideration."

"Not a problem. I'll see you in a few." Henry said as he hung up the phone.

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