Season 4 Episode 1 Part 4

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 1 Part 4

Rating: T

Episode Name: The Return

Summary: We pick up at the Sammler/Manning house with Eli sitting on the coach, over to have dinner with the rest of the family.

Authors Note: Hope you guys are enjoying Once and Again Season 4 Episode 1 so far

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 posted on Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Also I'm going to being posting the dates that I'm am going to be posting each episode under my profile.

Write a review. I'd like to know what you guys think so far.

Commercials have ended, the show is back

Manning / Sammler House

Eli is in the living room sitting on the couch, wondering where everyone is. He looks up at the clock and sees that it is 5:30p.m. When the phone rings. He got up from the couch and ran to the kitchen to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Eli said into the phone.

"Eli, is that you I thought you were at your moms?" Rick asked.

"Her and Henry went out on a date, so figured I'd come over here and have dinner with you guy's. Where is everyone?" Eli said still trying to figure out where everyone is.

"Grace should home soon from her Gay Straight Alliance meeting any minute, Jessie is at Therapy, Katie is giving her a ride home, and Lily, Zoe, and me went out to do some running around. I just wanted to call and tell whoever was home that we're going to stop and get something to eat, so you all are on your own. We're not going to home until around 9:00 if I had to guess." Rick told Eli.

"Ok, I'll tell Grace and Jessie." Eli said.

"Ok, I'll see you later." Rick hung up the phone.

When Eli hung up the phone Grace walked in the door from her meeting wishing that she could just be done with the Gay Straight Alliance, finish her Junior and Senior year, graduate, and never have to hear another comment about her and Dimitri again.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Grace asked wondering why Eli was in the house, he hadn't spent much time there since Karen had come home from the hospital and needed his help getting around the house.

"I came here to eat dinner, my mom is on a date with her physical therapist." Eli said.

"Ok, hey do you have a minute to talk?" Grace asked Eli.

"What do you need?" Eli responded.

"What do you do when people say things about you, that you just can't stand hearing, and..." Grace was cut off by Eli.

"The whole Dimitri thing hasn't gotten any better yet?" Eli asked assuming he knew what Grace was talking about.

"No, and it doesn't help hearing people talking behind my back about it, or getting comments at every one of these stupid meetings about me and Dimitri," Grace said. She looked up at the ceiling and took a deep because the whole situation was starting to infuriate her, "What would you do if you were in my place?" Grace asked.

"Not fall in love with a teacher." Eli said earning a slap on the side of the arm.

"Eli I'm serious, I don't know how I'm going to make it until graduation, walking through the halls every day hearing people talk behind my back, and make fun of me. The last time I walked in the lunch room all I could hear and see was people laughing and talking about me." Grace said yelling as she began to cry.

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