Season 4 Episode 3 Part 1

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 3 Part 1

Rating: T (For some parts of this episode rate M)

Episode Name: A Weekend with Katie

Summary: Jessie is sitting in her last class of the day getting ready for her weekend with Katie

Authors Note: Hope you guys enjoyed the second episode of the fourth season of Once and Again.

Sorry I had to post this episode late I had a very long day and had to make some final change to this episode.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 posted on Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Write a review or ideas you guys have I'd like to know what you think.

Once and Again Opening Song

Friday May 3, 2002 Upton Sinclair High School

Jessie is sitting at her desk in the back of the class room, daydreaming about everything that her and Katie would do this weekend unaware of what was happening right in front of her.

BANG, Jessie was pulled out of her trance and saw that her teacher Mr. Nowlick had slammed a book on her desk, "Ms. Sammler, good to see your still with us, maybe you can remind me what the question was I just asked you five times."

Jessie hesitate and looked at the board, he normally wrote the questions on the board, "Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?" there was a sudden outburst of laughter.

"No. Who was the male lead in Romeo and Juliet?" Mr. Nowlick said getting angrier with Jessie by the second, "Do you remember what we talked about last Wednesday?"

Jessie face was starting to turn red with embarrassment

"You have detention right after school on Monday, and your going to sit in the front of the classroom for the rest of the school year were can make sure you do your work. It works on 1st graders maybe it will work on you. Maybe that will get you to pay attention all the time, and not when you want to," The class's laughter had reached its peak and Jessie had never been that embarrassed, "Also if I catch you in Jessie land again..." Mr. Nowlick was cut off by the bell.

As soon as the bell rang Jessie grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom. She went straight to her locker ready to cry from what just happened. Once she had everything she needed for the weekend, she walked out of the building as quickly as she could.

School parking lot

Katie was standing by her car waiting for Jessie to get there, she was going to drop Jessie off at home, before she went back to her house, to get ready. Once Katie saw Jessie in the distance she said, "Hi Billie..." she stopped when she saw Jessie's face and could tell that something was wrong, "Jess, is everything ok?"

"I'll tell you about later, can we just go?" Jessie said quickly. She just wanted to get off of the schools property because, she was to burst out into tears.

Katie knew something was wrong because Jessie normally wanted to stay and talk for a few minutes, and she was never out of the school that quick. Once they had pulled out of the schools parking lot and where a few blocks away Jessie broke out into tears, completely humiliated with what just happened.

"Jess what's wrong?" Katie said worried about Jessie.

"It's nothing." Jessie said through her tears, not wanting to tell Katie about what just happened.

"Well it obviously not nothing, if you're crying like this." Katie very directly wanting to what happened to Jessie.

"Katie, please I..." Jessie was cut off by Katie who made a turn into the nearest parking lot, pulled into a parking spot.

Once and Again Season 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora