Season 4 Episode 6 Part 5

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 6 Part 5

Rating: T (Some parts of this episode will be Rated M)

Episode Name: Shades of Love

Summary: Karen is in the kitchen pulling the chicken out of the oven.

Authors Note: Hope you guys are enjoying the sixth episode of the fourth season of Once and Again.

Sorry you guys had to wait an extra week for this episode I promise the wait was worth it.

I have updated the schedule under my profile for when, Once and Again Season 4 and Once and Again Season 4: Full Episodes, parts and episodes will be posted. Take a look.

All episode of Once and Again Season 4 will be posted Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Karen's House: The Dining Room

It's 8:00 p.m. Karen and Henry are sitting at the table enjoying all of the food that Karen made, including the almost burned chicken, "You know, I'm starting to think I didn't have to rush through the liquor store." He said washing down the burn chicken with the wine.

"You were running late, I forgot to put the chicken in the oven and had to speed up the process."

"So, you sent the oven twice as high as it was supposed to be, forgot it was in there when I got here and only remembered when the fire alarm went off." He said and laughed a little bit.

"You are so mean." Karen said laughing a little also.

"But you love it." Henry said

"Some how I do." She said with a smile on her face, as she took another sip of her wine.

Henry took another bite of his chicken and said, "Burned or not it is still excellent."

"Thankyou." Karen said laughing

Once they both finished eating they worked together to clean the dishes. Karen washed them and then Henry dried and put them in the drying rack, "How many more do we have left?" Henry asked.

Karen had a plate in her hand and was almost done rinsing it off, "" She said and handed Henry the plate.

Once he finished drying it off, he put it in the drying rank. "That was fun." He said with a grin on his face while drying his hands off and putting the towel on top of the drying rank.

"In deed." Karen said while giving Henry a kiss. Then Henry kissed her back.

They continued to kiss for a while, and then Henry broke the kiss, "How long until your kids get home?" "I told them to stay out until 11:00 and I gave Eli the car, we have plenty of time." she said and continued to kiss Henry.

The Car

Rick, Jessie, and Eli have finished eating dinner, and are in the car on the way back to the Sammler/Manning house to drop off Rick. The car ride was quiet, Jessie was sitting in the back wondering how she was going to explain to Katie that she didn't tell her Dad about them. Rick is sitting in the passenger's seat battling with his eyes not to fall asleep before he gets home. Eli is focused on the road, unaware of his fathers and sisters current states of mind.

Jessie Black and White

"What am I going to tell Katie." Jessie said looking at the camera in panic, "Oh my god, she came out to the whole school for me without hesitation, even though she didn't want to, and I can't come out to my dad." Jessie looked at the camera confused not sure what to do.

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