Season 4 Episode 8 Part 4

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 8 Part 4

Rating: T

Episode Name: The Dance

Summary: Grace is sitting in the kitchen pouting

Authors Note:

Hope you guys are enjoying the fourth season of Once and Again.

Sorry it took so long for me to get this episode up had a lot going on with college and final exams. I'm home from college now and am ready to get back on track, with writing and posting episodes.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 episodes will be posted on Friday's between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Sammler/ Manning House: The Kitchen

It's 5:00 p.m. at the Sammler/Manning House, Grace is sitting in the Kitchen, studying for an exam she has tomorrow. She is pouting, about the fact that dance did not get a better turn out then the one that failed a few years back, still lost money, but is relieved that it was finally over. She is also starting to plan out a way so that she doesn't have to attend the dance on Friday.

Lily then entered the Kitchen, saw Grace sitting at the table reading her book, and said, "Hey, have a good day at school?"

"Fine." Grace said.

"Where you able to sell any tickets at the table today." Lily asked.

"Not enough." Grace said still in her pity fest.

"You weren't able to break even?" Lily asked seeing that her daughter was under the weather about her day.

"Five tickets short." Grace said staring up at the ceiling, relieved that it was over but also disappointed that they couldn't get enough money.

Lily walked over to her daughter, sat at the table across from her and said, "Look on the bright side, its finally over, you only have two exams this week, Friday is your last day of school then you have two months off."

Grace then said, "You forgot about the dance Friday night." Grace sighed knowing that for roughly four hours of her Friday night she was going to have to put up with the insults and comments.

Lily saw that Grace was depressed about this whole situation, and said, "Grace I know that these last few months have been hard for you, but a few more days and I promise you the worst is over." Lily said, she reached her hand out and grabbed Graces.

Grace laid her head down on the table, grasped her moms' hand. The feeling gave her some comfort, it had been a hard-last couple of months, and aside from her new relationship with Eli, that was one other thing that brought her comfort, "Mom, can call out sick on Friday." She said hoping that her mother would go along with it. If she didn't go into school on Friday, then technically she could not attend the dance Friday night.

"Grace..." Lily started her sentence.

"If I call in sick then I don't have to go to that stupid dance on Friday."

Lily scolded Grace for a second and said, "Grace, I know these last few months have been hard but you can't miss school."

Grace then put her head back down into the books, knowing that her mom letting her stay home from school was her last chance at avoiding four hours of smirks and snickers about her and Dimitri. She then picked up and pencil and textbook and continued taking notes and studying for her test.

Lily was upset that her daughter was stilling going through what she was at school, even though it was partially Graces fault, she was still her daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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