Season 4 Episode 5 Part 5

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 5 Part 5

Rating: T (Rate M at some points in this episode)

Episode Name: A Weekend without Rick

Summary: Grace and Eli are walking through the library looking for a book.

Authors Note: Hope you guys enjoyed the fourth episode of the fourth season of Once and Again.

Good news Once and Again fans I've had all kinds of ideas recently and think I may be able to write between 25 and 30 episodes. If I am write this fanfiction should be consistently updated for over a year.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 will posted Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended, the show is back

The Library

Grace and Eli are searching through the poetry section of the library to find a book for Grace to use for her paper. Eli was walking through the section looking at the books not really sure what type of poem book Grace needed when he came across something interesting, "Grace what about this one." He said holding Cats. A book of poems about cats.

Grace walked up to him took the book out of his hand looked at it for a second, and said "I can't use this book." Then put the book back on the shelf.

"Why not? It's an easy read, and A" He said not sure why she didn't want to go with a book that would get her an A.

"Two reasons. One it has to be a book of poems written before 1750, not something that was written five years ago, and two the idea is to challenge yourself when choosing a book to read." Grace said very pointedly.

"Whatever." Eli said not really seeing Graces point, "What book did you have in mind."

"I don't know." Grace said having nothing to go off of for the book she was going to read.

Eli then turned his head to the left saw another book that looked old. He pulled it out and looked at it for a second and saw that there was a really cool illustration on the front, but no title. "What about this one? There's no title on the cover." he said.

Grace took the book out of his hand and looked at it for a second and opened the book to the title page, "Dante's Inferno."

"It's that the book about the guy who has a dream about going to Hell." Eli said recognizing the name of the book.

"Not exactly, it's about a guy who falls asleep and has journey through the 9 rings of Hell guided a poet named Virgil... It's not an easy book to read" Grace said knowing what people have said about the book.

"Was that book written before 1750?" Eli asked

"Way before 1750." Grace said.

"Then read that book." Eli said realizing that it met Graces criteria.

"Eli this is a hard book to read." Grace said.

"You're the one who just said the book has to be written before 1750, and you want it to be a challenge. This is clearly both" Eli said, trying to convince Grace to read the book so that they could get out of there.

Grace thought about it for a second, - screw it -, "Why not."

"Let's go." Eli said.

Grace and him walked up to the Libran, to check the book out, and leave, "This book please."

The librarian took the book scanned it and said, "Library card please."

Grace reached into her bag and noticed that she didn't have her card, "Just hang on one second."

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