Season 4 Episode 6 Part 4

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 6 Part 4

Rating: T (Some parts of this episode will be Rated M)

Episode Name: Shades of Love

Summary: Karen is in the kitchen pulling the chicken out of the oven.

Authors Note: Hope you guys enjoyed the third episode of the fourth season of Once and Again.

If you have any ideas for episodes, please write them under reviews. Just keep in mind that unlike the last three seasons of Once and Again this one is primary from Jessie, Katie, Grace, and Eli's perspective.

All episode of Once and Again Season 4 will be posted Friday's between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Karen's House: Karen's Kitchen

Karen is in the kitchen pulling the chicken she made from the oven and put it on the table, when she hears the door bell ring, RING, "Coming." She shouted while taking off her oven mittens.

Karen's House: Front Porch

Henry was standing on the other side of the door with a bottle of wine in hand and flowers in the other hand. When Karen opened door he said, "Hey sorry I'm late." Henry said.

Karen had arms crossed and scolding look on her face, but she couldn't hold a straight face like she was disappointed in him. That scolding look quickly changed to a smile, "It's not a problem I just finished cooking."

"I was wondering what smelled so good. Also, these are for you," He handed her the flowers, then said, "and this is for us." He then held up the bottle of wine and showed it to Karen.

"Let's get inside an enjoy that then." Karen said.

Henry walked in the house with Karen and they went to the kitchen to get two glasses and a bottle opener, "Glasses are on the top shelf right."

"I moved them to the other cabinet." Karen said going through the draw to try and find the bottle opener.

Henry was successful in locating the glasses, but then his fingers slipped and knocked one of the glasses out, "Oopp." Henry quickly caught the glass with his other hand, "That was close"

Karen had her hand across her chest taking a deep breath, "Be careful."

Henry put the one glass on the counter, and said "Sorry, for the scare." While reaching for the other.

Karen had a smile on her face, and said, "Just don't drop the other one."

"I won't." Henry said as hey put the glasses down on the counter.

Karen had successfully found and pulled that bottle opener out of the drawer and said, "Would you like the honors." She handed Henry the bottle opener.

"Please and thank you." He said as Karen handed him the bottle opener. Henry without any problem cracked open the bottle and removed the cork. Karen moved the glasses closer to Henry, so that he could fill them, without any problem. He filled both glasses and said, "This is for you, and this one is for me." He said as he handed her the glass carefully.

"Thankyou. What should we drink to." Karen asked.

"How's about a quick recovery, and a long life." Henry said with a smile on his face and looked into Karen's eyes.

"I'll drink to that." She said staring just as deeply into Henry's eyes they both gently tapped their glasses and drank from the.

A Diner in Chicago

Rick, Eli, and Jessie are at a dinner getting something eat after Ricks long and painful plain ride. The waitress had finally made her way over to the table to take their orders. Jessie ordered first, "I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes."

Then Eli ordered, "I'll ah have burger and fries."

When she got to Rick he said, "I'll have Burger, fires, eggs, bacon, and toast." Jessie and Eli looked over at Rick surprised he ordered that much food.

"Ok. I'll go put the order in." the waitress said.

"Jesse dad was there nothing to eat in Australia." Eli said

"Oh nothing good." Rick said looking out the window thinking about what he arrived to in Australia.

"So, dad how was it in Australia, did you get to do any sight-seeing, or tours of the wild...ow did you see a kangaroo?" Jessie said bombarding her father with a number of questions to help get his mind off of his arm, and the painful flight home.

"I unfortunately didn't get to do any of those things." Rick said remembering all of the work he had to do.

"Why? Did something happen with the project?" Eli asked having a feeling that was what had Rick in a not so good mood, considering that he been injured before and been able to shake it off easily.

"The minute I got to the construction site everything was out of order. I had to spend all of Saturday reorganizing the entire construction site, and that night I was on the phone arguing with suppliers to get supplies, that where weeks behind, to be there in the morning. I got maybe an hour of sleep. The next day I had to explain all the plans to the architect that was there, so he could do his job. It was basically no stop work from the minute I got off the plane." Rick said staring at the ceiling. His stomach was killing him from the amount of work he had to do to get the time frame to build the hotels back on track, and that over the course of three days he got a total of 12 hours of sleep. He then put his hand over his mouth and yawned a little bit.

"Well it's over now, and you won't have to deal with that for month."

The waitress returned with there food and handed it to them, "Hamburger with fries,"

"Right here." Eli said

"Chocolate chip pancakes." She said as she handed Jessie the plate.


"Hamburger, Fries, bacon, eggs, and toast." She said as she handed Rick each piece of his food one by one.


Once the three of them got their food they began to eat, Eli and Jessie where amazed with how fast their father was eating his food.

Screen turns black and goes to commercial

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