Season 4 Episode 2 Part 5

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 2 Part 5

Rating: T

Episode name: Prologue to a Weekend with Katie

Summary: Jessie and Katie are sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch.

Author's Note: Hope you guys are enjoying Once and Again Season 4 so far.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 posted on Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Write a review I want to know what you guys think and if you guys have any ideas.

The commercials have ended the show is back

Upton Sinclair Cafeteria

"So any way my parents are going to be out of town this weekend for some business trip, and they said you can come over for the weekend if you want. Do you want to?" Katie asked Jessie.

Jessie kind of dazed off for a second thinking about all of the things that her and Katie could do, all but one thing, "Sounds like a good weekend."

"I'll take that as a yes." Katie said. Unlike Jessie, Katie was thinking of all the things they could do.

"Hey Jess, hi Katie." Tad had come and sat at the lunch table sitting on the other side of Jessie as always. When Jessie and Katie talked to Tad about them yesterday they said for him to still sit next to Jessie so that no one would start to wonder why all of a sudden Tad stopped sitting next to her. Jessie and Katie had big smiles on their faces thinking about the weekend ahead of them, "What are you two day dreaming about?"

"What?" Katie said as she and Jessie pulled themselves out of the early stages of one of their long stares.

"We were not day dreaming we were ahh..." Jessie was cut off by Tad.

"Ya, I know what you two were actually doing?"

"Oh really what were we doing?" Katie said wanting to know what Tad was thinking they were doing.

"I'd say but I would break a promise I made to the both of you yesterday, and find out why Jessie is blue belt in Tae Koon Doe."

"It's a black belt." Jessie said correcting Tad.

"Black, blue, orange, what's the difference it's the color of a belt, I'm sure thousands of people have it." Tad said having no idea what he was talking.

"I'm goanna run to the girl's room real quick, I'll be right back." Katie said trying to get out of there seeing that Jessie was about to erupt on Tad. She got up and left as quickly as she could.

"Color of a belt!" Jessie snapped at Tad, who saw that he offended her.

"Jess, look I'm sorry ok. I'm sure there is a lot more to it." Tad said trying calm Jessie down. Tad thought to himself - I guess Katie's temper has rubbed off onto her -, "So changing the subject, what were you Katie talking about before I came over here? I noticed that you two were smiling and laughing and talking about something."

Jessie was annoyed with Tad, he was changing the subject instead of owning up to his stupidity, "We were talking about the first half of our day, and then she invited me to spend the weekend at her house."

"Wait, why did she asked you to go over her house for the weekend?" that was the only part of what Jessie said that Tad cared about.

Jessie having finally calmed down said, "Her parents are going out of town on a business trip, and they basically said me and Katie can have a weekend long sleepover."

Tad went wide eyed, and only one thing went straight to his mind sex, "Katie's parents are going out of town."


"You're going over there, day and night for the whole weekend."

"Yes." Jessie said slowly wondering were Tad was going with this.

"So, are you two going to..." Tad was cut off by Jessie who realized he was referring to sex.

"God, no," she starting to blush a little bit, "between you and Grace, she assumes last night and you assume this weekend."

Tad became curious what Grace had to do with this, as he starting to laugh at Jessie reaction, "Wait, what does Grace have to do with this?"

"She thinks that we, you know, last night because Katie had to sleep over." Tad began to laugh of how innocent and unaware Jessie was.

"Jess, a little advice generally when someone's, significant other sleeps over, or is invited to sleep over that is code for...We had or let's have sex." Tad said the last part quietly and earned himself a punch on the side of the arm.

Katie finally came back from the bathroom, "What's going on here?" seeing Tad rubbing the side of his arm in pain, never realizing how hard Jessie could actually punch.

"Tad said something about what Grace said this morning." Jessie said satisfied with Tad's pain. The bell rang, "I'll talk to my parents tonight and see if it's ok." Jessie said as she got up real quick grabbed her bag and headed to her next class not wanting to be late.

"So, what were you and Jess talking about?" Katie was a little confused, with what Tad was in pain over, and what Jessie meant by what Grace said this morning.

"I had to interpret for her that when someone's, significant other sleeps over, and is invited to sleep over that is code...We had or lets have sex." once and again whispering the part.

"She actually didn't realize that?" Katie said surprised.

Katie Black and White

"Did she really not know that? I mean everyone our age knows that." Katie said looking at the camera confused.

"I guess, I mean it didn't seem like she did until told her." Tad said

"She has the rest of the week to think about, and plan on it." Katie said, as her and Tad finally got to their classroom and walked in for their class.

"Ms. Singer, Mr. Myers so glad you could join us," the teacher said.

Screen turns black end credits have started.

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