Season 4 Episode 1 Part 2

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 1 Part 2

Rating: T

Authors note: I hope you guys are enjoying the Once and Again Season 4 so far. I've decide to make a slight change, each episode is going to have multiple parts depending on how long the episode is. Episode will still be posted on the same time line on Monday's the time of day that it is posted will vary. Also it does not matter how many parts each episode has this will be a full 22 episode season.

Write a review, I'd like to know what you Once and Again fans think so far.

Commercials have ended and the show is back

Jessie and Katie are sitting at a table eating lunch, Katie was babbling on about the events of the first half of here day, Jessie was indulged in Katie's beauty not saying a word.

"- and then the teacher started going off on Tad for ..." Katie stopped talking when she noticed Jessie's unfocused expression. "Did you hear anything I just said?" Katie asked

"Another teacher gave you detention." Jessie said hoping that was the right answer since half the time it was.

"That is not even close to what I said." Katie said crossing her arms half annoyed, and half finding it adorable that Jessie was indulged in here ranting, "I am not repeating that that whole ranting."

"Well give me a quick summary." Jessie said, trying not to laugh about the situation.

Katie said quickly, "Fine. Period 1, I fell asleep and got yelled at by the teacher, and half the class laughed. Period 2, the teacher almost bored the class to death, probably a bucket list goal of every teacher. Period 3, Tad shot a spit ball at the back of my head, the teacher yelled at him, and gave him detention."

Jessie responded, "Well I was right about someone getting detention. Speaking of Tad how funny do you think it is going to be when he finally finds out about us...and that he asked out a lesbian?" She whispered and giggled the last part. Katie and Jessie found it very funny how Tad would flirt and try to ask out a girl he could never have.

Katie also giggling said, "His ego will definitely be chopped down like a tree, and probably..." Katie was cut off when, Tad walked up behind her.

"Who would have their ego chopped down?" Tad asked curiously as he sat down to eat lunch with them.

"Oh, just some idiot. Hey Tad what do you think about a guy who would out a gay girl, and he has that girls girlfriend for a very long time?" Jessie asked, while Katie laughed.

Tad thought about it for a second, while out his arm around Jessie's shoulder, "Well I know that when I asked you out two years ago, and still didn't know about you I felt like the dumbest guy alive."

Jessie quickly reacted to what Tad said, while trying to get his arm off of her. "Wait you asked Katie out? When, where, and how?" Jessie had to have these answers.

"Our sophomore year, a friend was hosting a party, and I wanted to bring a date the same as every other guy going. I walked up to her after English class, once everyone had left the classroom, and asked if she wanted to go to the..." Tad got cut off by Katie.

"He's making up some story to cover up what really happened. So far the only part that was true was that it was for a friend's party, and that it was two years ago. We were at my house hanging out. Tad started telling me about a party that one of his friends was going to be having, and asked me if I wanted to go with him. So I said, Tad your one of my best friends so I'm going to be honest with you, I'm gay. And if you every tell another soul what I just told you I will make sure that all of your Jock buddy's you asked out a gay girl." Katie stopped talking because she was laughing so hard, Jessie couldn't stop laughing.

Jessie was barely able to speak because she was laughing so hard, al she could get out of mouth was, "Tad is that true?"

Tad said with his head down and his ego bruised, "Every piece of it."

Jessie said trying to get over her laughing fit, "How did you ever recover from that?"

Katie quickly said before he could even open his mouth, "Simple really. A week later when I finally started to stop making fun him about it, he asked out Alexa, took her to a party, got drunk, slept with her, and regained his glory." Katie said laughing.

Tad's month dropped because she actual said that aloud.

Tad said, "Can't lose what you never lost." Trying to make himself seem all high and mighty.

Katie in response, "Can't lose what you never had."

"Oh so is that what you had planned for me. Take me to your party, get me drunk, and sleep with me." Jessie said, now just trying to push Tad's buttons.

"Jess, I would never..." Tad said trying to sound convincing, he got cut off by Katie who was now joining in with her girlfriend's pushing of Tad button's.

"Have you all of a sudden gone through some sort of life changing revelation? Is this a new and improved Tad sitting before us, because back in November I specifically remember walking in on you and Jessie, and you were all over her. I also remember last month your reason for joining the Gay Straight Alliance was Bi-Sexual girls, and you quit when there were none at the first meeting." Jessie started to blush and put her face in her hands, that night at Katie's had just come straight back to her, "Oh come on Jess it wasn't that bad, I mean you're not the only girl to reject Tad." Tad took another blow to his ego. Jessie still had her face in her hands.

"Jess, come on now it wasn't that bad was it?" he said with a great amount of curiosity.

Jessie then took her face out of her hands and responded, "If I liked it I wouldn't have said for you to stop."

Tad turned red, Katie started laughing, and the bell rang for everyone to leave lunch. Everyone including Tad had started to run out of the Cafeteria to head to their next class. One they way out Jessie stopped Katie to ask her something.

"So, wait one second Tad knows about you?" Jessie asked

"Of course he does, Tad's my best friend." Katie said

"You didn't tell him about us did you?"

"Judging by the way he wrapped his arm around you at lunch, and asked you out this morning, no I didn't tell him." Katie answered surprised Jessie even asked.

"Ok. You know I had to ask." Jessie said.

"Jess, I'm not ready for people to know about us either, but I am going to be honest with you, if there is one person in this school who could end up figuring it out on their own about us, it is Tad, and that is because he sees how much time we spend together, and knows that I'm gay." Katie said

"I know." Jessie said, "Oh Billie, before I forget can you give me a ride to therapy after school, Grace has a Gay Straight Alliance meeting?" Jessie asked as they started to head towards their classes.

"Ya sure, I'm surprised that after what happened with Dimitri she didn't quit that club." Katie said

"Well she tried to, but because she had already agreed to do so much stuff in the club she can't until she has done everything she volunteered to do." Jessie and Katie laughed about Grace misery.

"Well what's left on her GSA to do list?"

"She's on her last item on her list, plan the Gay Straight Alliance dance." Jessie said laugh.

Katie laughed "Grace must love being Grace right now."

"If only she didn't see something in Mr. Dimitri, then she might not have to do this alone or at all."

They laughed

Katie said, "We really shouldn't be so mean to her."

Jessie, "Your right, but we are sinistral angels of the truth."

They laughed and shared one last long look at each other, before they went their separate ways.

Screen turns black and goes to commercial

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