Season 4 Episode 7 Part 2

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 7 Part 2

Rating: T

Episode Name: Are you ready?

Summary: Grace is in her room do some making a few phone calls to finalize some things.

Authors Note:

Hope you guys are enjoying the forth season of Once an Again so far.

Sorry it took so long for me to get this episode up, I've been having some problems with my eyes, and am not going to have them fully corrected until after new year's. I'm doing everything I can to keep up as best I can. There is an author comment at the end of this part that I would like everyone to read.

Just wanted to let you guys know I started a Once and Again community for any Once and Again stories I have read that have to do with what would have happened if there was a fourth season.

All episode of Once and Again Season 4 will be posted Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Sammler/Manning House: Grace's Room

Grace is on the phone with the vice principle finalizing all of the information for the dance on Friday, "We are going to need the gym from 7:30 until 11:00, and the DJ is going to be there to set up around 7:00." Grace listened to want she said on the phone, "Perfect I'll see you Monday." She had completed her last phone call and was now able to get back to writing her final essay of the year. She was almost done, and had only one paaragraph left to type, which was when she heard someone walk in her room.

"How's the essay going?" It was Lily standing in the doorway, she wanted to know how Grace was doing on her essay.

"Fine, it's almost done." Grace said not wanting to study anymore.

She looked at Grace typing as fast as she could to finish the assignment "Do you have anything else to study for?" She asked knowing that her daughter had finals next week.

"I have to study for world studies and anatomy." Grace said. She was suffering from all the work she had to do and could not wait for Eli to get out of work and find out how everything was going. Jack and Tiffany where leaving for there honey moon tomorrow, and today was Eli's first day running the store.

Lily then said, "I'll leave you to it." She then existed Grace's room and started to make her way down the hallway.

After about another half hour of work Grace began to wonder how Eli was doing today.

Phil's Book Lovers: Jack's Office

Jack is grabbing a few papers from the office before leaving the store in Eli's hands for the duration of his honey moon, "Remember, while I'm gone your going to be in charge of signing off on delivers, opening and closing the store, and on Thursday handing out everyone's paychecks." Jack said going through one last review of everything that Eli was going to have to run the book store.

"Got it."

"What time do you have to be here to open up?" Jack said making sure that Eli remembered what he told him.

"6:00 in the morning to open up, we start to let customers in at 7:00, ask people to finish up around 6:30, and he the lights off and the door locked by 7:30."

"Good. What time and what days do you have to be here to get the delivers in the morning."

"Delivers come Monday at 5:30 and Thursday at 6:30." Eli said.

"Ok. And when to do you hand out paychecks on Thursday." Jack said this being having finished gathering everything he needed.

"At the end of each shift." Eli said confident that he could handle this.

Jack then pulled his car keys out of his pocket and took the keys to the store off of his key chain and said "I want to see you put this on you key chain right now, this is the only key to store, and you can not lose it." Jack handed the key confident that he could handle everything while he was gone.

Eli then pulled out his key chain, took the key and put it on it, "Ok."

"I'm serious if you lose you that key, we will have a problem. Other that I'm sure you can this."

Eli then shook Jacks hand and said, "Have a great honey moon."

Jack Black and White

"I remember the first time that Phil left me in Charge of the restaurant years ago." He looked at the camera remembering that day, "he threaten to break my thumbs if we lost a single customer, and my legs if anything happened to the restaurant."

Jack then grabbed the pile of paper from the desk and walked out of the office. Once he walked out of the restaurant, he looked back one last time.

Jack Black and White

"He'll do fine."

Phil's Book Lovers: Jack's Office

Eli sat down at the desk and let it all sink in this was it, no one had every trusted him with something like this before, and he wasn't about to fail.

Sammler / Manning House: Grace's Room

Grace thought to herself, - I'm sure he's doing fine -. She looks back down at her notes and books and continued to per-pare for her exams.

Katie house: Katie's Bedroom

Jessie been putting a lot of thought in something these last few hours since she admitted to Katie her failure with her first attempt at telling her father about her, "Katie, I'm going to do it."

Katie look over at Jessie not one hundred percent sure what she was talking about, "Do what?"

"Tonight, after diner, I'm going to tell my Dad and Lily about us." Jessie said confidently.

"Jess, you know I'm busy tonight, and I can't come over." Katie said, having the thought in her head that Jessie wanted her to be there when she told them.

"I know, but I wasn't able to the other, and I have a good felling about tonight." Jessie said with a smile on her face, knowing that her brother was going to surprise everyone tonight with that he is going to be running the book store for the next week, everyone will already be in a good mood. The timing would be better.

"Are you sure, because if you do this tonight, I won't be there to have your back?" Katie said happy with Jessies confidence.

"Grace and Eli will be there, and Eli is going to tell everyone that he is in charge of the book store for this week, the timing couldn't be better." Jessie happy with her decision.

"Are you sure your ready?" Katie asked knowing that after this there was no going back.

Jessie leaded over and gave Katie a kiss and said, "more than I have ever been." Katie than kissed Jessie back and both girls entered a deep make out session, one that they haven't had all week long.

Screen turns black commercials have begun

Author comment:

There is something I would like to say and address to everyone. When writing a review, you should always think twice before you post it, you never know why someone wrote what they did in that fanfiction, and once it is up it can not be taken down. This applies to everyone including myself. I would like everyone to keep this in mind when they write a review of anyone's fan fiction.

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