Season 4 Episode 2 Part 3

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 2 Part 3

Rating: T

Episode name: Prologue to a Weekend with Katie

Summary: Dinner has ended Rick and Lily are in the bed room talking, Jessie and Katie are up in the attic studying and talking.

Author's Note: Hope you guys are enjoying Once and Again Season 4 so far.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 posted on Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Also I'm going to being posting the dates that I'm am going to be posting each episode under my profile.

Write a review I want to know what you guys think.

The commercials have ended the show is back

Sammler/Manning House

Rick and Lily's Room 9:45 p.m.

Rick and Lily are getting ready for bed, Rick is telling Lily about an offer that Colin made Rick today which is very hard to refuse.

"Sam would go to Australia for the whole nine months, and I would have to only go one weekend a month."

"How would that even work with the architect being in a completely different country, last time I checked Sam is an artist not an architect?" Lily asked confused of how the project would even work.

"We hire an architect that I can communicate with through email and on the phone to run the construction process when I'm not there, and then once it gets closer to the due date me and Sam have him take over the rest of the project, and Colin said that he would find a project in Chicago for us to work on." Rick paused for a second, "What do you think Lil?"

"It's a great offer, I can tell that he wants you to build these hotels, and you know I won't tell you not to take this job, but Rick it doesn't matter what's going on one weekend a month you have to pick up and go to a completely different country. What happens if there's an emergency, or the baby comes early." Lily asked still a little skeptical about how this whole thing was supposed to work.

"Colin has already given me his word that if there is an emergency, I'm on the first plane back to Chicago."

"Sounds like everything is planned out." Lily said almost convinced that this would work.

"Lil I really want to do this, but you know that I won't if you don't think we can make this work."

"As long as you give me your word that you will be here for when this child is born we'll make it work."

"I didn't miss the day Eli was born, I didn't miss the day Jessie was born, and I won't miss the day that this baby is born." Rick said reassuringly.

Jessie's Attic 9:45 p.m.

Jessie and Katie are up in Jessie's room. Katie is supposed to be helping Jessie study for a history test that Jessie has tomorrow, but found a better way to spend the time.

"Would you stop throwing paper at me you're supposed to be helping me?" Jessie was starting to get annoyed with her girlfriend who was lying on her bed balling up pieces of paper from her notebook to throw at Jessie, who was sitting at the desk trying to ask questions, and get answers.

Katie rolled over on her back, "You don't need to study. I'm sure you probably already read everything over a million times."

"Not one of those millions times did I read it over with you." Jessie got up from the chair walked over to Katie and lied down on the bed right next to here. They both just lied there and stared at each other for at least a half hour.

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