Season 4 Episode 2 Part 4

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 2 Part 4

Rating: T

Episode name: Prologue to a Weekend with Katie

Summary: Grace is driving Jessie, Katie, and herself to school, Eli is waiting at the house to meet the Singers.

Author's Note: Hope you guys are enjoying Once and Again Season 4 so far.

Also I wanted to apologize because I think this season is only going to be 20 episodes instead. I'm trying to come with ideas for episodes but I'm having a hard time. I have up to Episode 12 Part 4 written, but I could use a some help .

If you have any ideas for episodes please write them under reviews. Just keep in mind that unlike the last three seasons of Once and Again this one is primary from Jessie, Katie, Grace, and Eli's perspective.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 posted on Friday's between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

The commercials have ended the show is back

Jessie and Katie are in the back seat just staring at each other with dreamy looks on their faces. Grace is driving and the silence is starting to kill her. Katie has something that she needs to tell Jessie but she's not sure how to say it but she does know that if Eli is going to meet her parents she needs to tell Jessie and not let her find out on her own. "Jess, there's something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Jess said continuing to give Katie the same look, thinking that Katie was going to say something sweet.

"Jess, I'm being serious... They know." Katie said as she looked away from Jessie.

Jessie didn't understand what Katie meant but she had an idea, "Katie who knows what?"

"My parents, ok, I'm sorry they know about us."

"Katie, you said that we wouldn't tell anyone." Jessie said. Anger beginning to grow inside of her.

"I know what I said, but my family has known about me being gay for a year, and with the amount of times they've seen us together they called me out on it a week or two ago, I'm sorry Jess." Katie said upset.

Jessie realized that Katie was upset. Once she calmed down, Jessie lean over and gave her a hug, "It is ok I mean do you think they will say anything to..." Jessie got cut off by Grace.

"Eli knows." She said it quick barely able to get the words out.

Jessie and Katie's attention turned straight towards Grace, "What do you mean he knows?" Katie asked with some rage in her voice.

"Grace that's not for you to tell Eli." Jessie said about to blow a fuse.

"First of all, I didn't tell Eli anything, I would never do that. Second, you two should be a little bit more careful about where you kiss. He came to me saying that he saw the two of you kiss last Monday night, remember in the kitchen, he turned around saw you two, and turned back around." Grace said defensively.

Jessie and Katie both had blank expressions wondering if the next words out of their mouths should be an apology.

"Grace I'm sorry, I..." Jessie was cut off un able to finish her sentence.

"Just forget it." Grace said still angry that Jessie and Katie actually bombarded her like that, "He's trying to figure out if he is going to say something to the two of you about it, or for you two to say something to him."

The car became quiet for a second, "So, I guess if my parents bring up the subject we may have nothing to worry about." Katie said trying to change the mood of the car.

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