Season 4 Episode 8 Part 3

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 8 Part 3

Rating: T

Episode Name: The Dance

Summary: Katie is trying on bathing suits

Authors Note:

Hope you guys are enjoying the fourth season of Once and Again.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 episodes will be posted on Friday's between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

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Jessie Black and White

Jessie just rolled her eyes and said, "Sometimes she just has her priorities mixed up."

Bathing Suit Store

It's 3:45, Jessie and Katie are in bathing suit store, Jessie has found a black bikini top that she likes, and Katie is in the dressing room trying on bathing suits, to one find one that looks good on her, and two try and get Jessie head out of this, cloud of books, Katie then stepped out of the dressing rooms and said, "What about this one?"

Katie Black and White

Katie just rolled her eyes and said, "Some time she just need to loosen up a little bit."

Jessie was sitting on a bench outside of the dressing room that Katie was in, she was going over in her head everything she remembered from what her classed reviewed in Calc today, she looked over at Katie what she walked out of the dressing room, so distracted that she was unable to admire he beautiful girlfriends body, "Looks nice." Jessie and then when back to her thought process.

Before Jessie could re enter her mental review of her class Katie said, "Jess, come on you said that about the last three, how's about one honest opinion." Katie said crossing her arms.

Jessie than looked over at Katie again, looked at the color of the bathing suit Katie was wearing, and said, "It matches your eyes,"

Katie kept her arms crossed, and said, "Jess, come on loosen up for a minute, you already picked out the top you want, and we have plenty of time."

"I'm sorry. I'm just stressed because tonight is going to be a late night, even with your help." Jessie said, realizing that she was starting to annoy Katie.

Katie then decided to go with her back up plan to help Jessies attitude improve, Katie took a deep breath and said, "It's fine, I have one more bathing suit to try on, and then we'll go ok." Katie said turning around in the dressing room. She took off the suit she had on and picked up the one bathing suit she grabbed specifically to get Jessie in a different mood.

Jessie is sitting there, once again going over her thoughts in her head what ever notes she can remember from class that day. Katie then walked out and said, "What about this one?" Katie said knowing that Jessie would be surprised by this bikini.

Jessie said without even looking, "Looks nice."

Katie then said, "Ok now I know your not looking?" Katie said turning her hip towards.

Jessie then started to say, "Sorry it's..." she was at a loss of words for, her eyes grew large, "That is definitely my favorite one." She amazed to be witnessing her girlfriend in a black bikini top, and a black thong-cut bikini bottom. A smile had grown on Jessie's face.

Katie then turned her back towards Jessie and said, "You tell me does this make my butt look to big?" Katie said knowing that she had finally de-stressed Jessie.

Jessie's eyes just lit up and she said, "Nope your perfect." You took a minute to admire her girlfriends' perfect body, and curves.

"Great," Katie said still aiming her butt at Jessie, "I'm going to get changed, here wait one second." Jessies eyes followed Katie's back side as she walked into the dressing room. Katie walked into the dressing room grabbed her keys from her bag, and said, "Catch."

Jessie caught Katies keys, "What do you need me to do with these?" Jessie was a little confused.

"Go pay for you top, turn the car on and wait for me, while I finish getting changed, and pick out which ones of these I'm going to get." Katie said.

"Ok." Jessie admired her girlfriends' body one last as the door closed behind Katie. She grabbed her bag, and bikini top she was going to buy, walked up to the cashier, handed her the money, and made her way out of the store to Katies car.

Once Katie was out of the bathing suit, and back in the clothes she wore to the store, she picked out three of the ten bikinis she tried on, and left the dressing room, once she got over to the cashier she said, "These three." She handed the lady to bathing suits, so she could scan them.

The lady at the register scanned the first two no problem, but once she got the third before she scanned it the cashier went wide eyed, raised the thong bikini up, and said, "Are you sure you want this one?" she said surprised that Katie had that.

"Positive." Katie said having something in mind for her and Jessie to do Friday after school. The cashier rang up and put everything in a bag for Katie.

She took the bag and her change, and started to head out to her car, where she says Jessie sitting in the front seat day dreaming. She opened the back door and throw her bags in the back seat, closed the door, opened the driver door, and got into the car, the sound of the door closing pulled Jessie out of her day dreaming of Katie in that thong bikini, "Ready to go?" Jessie said.

"Yep." Katie said. Once they pulled out of the parking spot Katie said, "Hey my parents are working late on Friday, "Why don't you come over, and we can break in these new bathing suits."

"Only if you actually help me study tonight." Jessie said.

"Can't make any promises." Katie said, knowing that she was going to do what ever she could to help Jessie.

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