Season 4 Episode 7 Part 6

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 7 Part 6

Rating: T

Episode Name: Are you ready?

Summary: Jessie is lying on her bed, while Rick and Lily are talking.

Authors Note:

I would like to say Happy Anniversary Once and Again Fans! One year ago, today I published the first episode and first art of Once and Again Season 4 and have enjoyed second that I have worked on this fanfiction. Along with this being the one-year anniversary, my eyes problems have finally been resolved, and I hope more then anything that I will be able to write and post episode more consistently.

Along with I have decided to post this fanfiction on the sites Archive of Our Own and Wattpad also. I am hoping to find more Once and Again fans out there. This fanfiction here on will be priority.

Once and Again Happy Anniversary!

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 episodes will be posted on Friday's between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Sammler/Manning House: Jessie's Attic

Jessie is lying on her bed curled up in a ball. She wasn't sure what to do or what her dad and step mother where thinking about what she said. It had been three hours since she made her big announcement at dinner, and she still wasn't sure what to think. All she could remember was rick and Lily just sitting there in shock, but then again what was she supposed to expect.

Jessie Black and White

Jessies is rubbing her eyes trying to get some of the tears out of, "that's just about how I expected it go."

She continued to just lye on her bed not sure, whether she should go downstairs and talk to her dad, or just wait for someone to come upstairs and talk to her about dinner.

Sammler/Manning House: Rick and Lily's Room

Rick and Lily are in their room talking about what had happened at dinner, while setting up their bed to go to bed, "She didn't go running out of the room because she told us that she was dating another girl, she went running out of the room because we just sat their shocked like there's a problem with her being with Katie."

"Lil the only reason I sat there the way I did, was because it hit a million miles an hour. If that's Jessie who Jessie wants to be with, that's who she wants to be with there's nothing I can do about that. I have no idea what I'm supposed to say or do..." Rick stopped for a second to scratch the top of his, "Should I go u there and talk, should I wait for her to come down here, should I wait until tomorrow..."

Lily then interrupted him and said, "Rick I don't think there is a right answer. Why think is that if just wait on her its just going to make it seem like you don't want to talk about this. Just talk to her, let her know that it doesn't matter, and that your there for her." Rick just sat down on the side of the bed still not sure what to think of all this, "and here we thought a few months ago that grace was gay."

"You are the one who said I have nothing to worry about." Rick said while Lily leaned over and gave him a hug.

"You still don't. Just go talk to her." Lily said, know that she was right.

"Why do you always have to be right?" Rick said.

"It's a gift." Lily happy with the results of their conversation. She leaden over and gave Rick a kiss.

Sammler/Manning House: Jessie's Attic

Jessie is still lying on her bed. She just wants to forget what happened. She then heard a knock on the door and said, "Who is it?"

"Its Grace can I come in?" Grace thought that after what happened at dinner, she would see how Jessie is doing.

Jessie leaned up and moved herself to the edge of her bed, and said "come in", while wiping off her eyes.

Grace made her way up the steps, and said, "How's it going?"

"I'm fine." Jessie said still upset about dinner.

Grace walked over to the bed and sat down next to Jessie, "Do you want to talk about what happened at dinner?"

"Not really." Jessie said wiping another tear off her face.

"Are you sure?" Grace said seeing how upset Jessie was about what happened at dinner.

Jessie then said, "They just sat there, and said nothing. I thought they would have said something, but it was like I just dropped a bombshell, and..." Jessie stopped for a second to wipe a few more tears off her face.

"Jess...what you hit all of us a million miles an hour, none of us where expecting that. I mean," Grace paused for a second to put her word together, "what did you expect, for them to start asking detailed questions about yours and Katies relationship, and just say ok and keep on eating dinner."

"Something would have been better than them just sitting there in shock." Jessie said wiping some more tears off her face, " least if they said something I would know if they are ok with it or not."

Grace sided, and before should could start a sentence both girls heard someone walking up the steps, "Jess are you up there?" it was Rick's voice they heard.

Jessie wiped her face off getting the last of the tears off her face, "Ya." She said responding to her father.

Rick walked up the steps and saw grace and Jessie just sitting there, and said "Grace can you give me Jessie a minute?"

"Sure." Grace got up from the bed, headed to the stairs, and left Jessie's room, "I'll se you in the morning." She that to Jessie before leaving the room.

Once the door shut behind Grace, Rick walked over to Jessies bed and sat down next to her, " and Katie." Jessie just sat there in discomfort not sure what to say, "how long have you two been together."

Jessie just closed her eyes and said, "about three months."

Ricks eyes widened amazed with how far back this relationship went, "three" Rick said running his had through his hair trying to figure out what to say most of this was on the fly.

"Dad...I really like her." Jessie said, lightly.

Rick took a deep breath and said, "I know..." Jessie looked over at him, "...if you didn't have feelings for her you would have never came out to us like that." Rick said wrapping his arm around her.

Jessie felt her father wrap his arm around her, she started a sentence with, "Dad look..."

Rick interrupted her and said, "Jess it's ok." Jessie's eyes started to water a little, "If Katie makes you happy then you should be with her. All I want is for you to know that I'm here for you, and I always will be no matter what happens."

Jessie eyes stopped water enough for her to say, "Do you really mean that."

"I do." Rick said hugging Jessie with all his strength not wanting to let his little girl go. Seeing Jessie like this crying over someone else made him realize that there was someone in her life that she loved almost as much as her own family.

Screen turns black end credits have started.

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