Season 4 Episode 7 Part 4

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Title: Once and Again Season 4 Episode 7 Part 4

Rating: T

Episode Name: Are you ready?

Summary: Eli has just arrived home from work.

Authors Note:

Hope you guys are enjoying the fourth season of Once and Again so far.

All episodes of Once and Again Season 4 will be posted on Friday's between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Commercials have ended the show is back

Sammler / Manning House: The Kitchen

It's about 8:00 p.m. at the Sammler/Manning House, Lily and Rick are in the kitchen almost done cooking dinner for the family, when they heard the door open, "I'm home"

"Hey." Lily looked up from what she was doing for a second, and then looked back down.

Rick had a pile of plates, forks, knives and napkins in his arms in his arms. Eli walked over and said, "let me help you" Eli said grabbing some of the plates, forks, knives, and napkins from Rick who said, "Thanks." Once they got into the dinning room and lied out the plates he asked, "How was work?"

"Really good actually." Eli said happy with how the day went.

"What made it so good?" Rick asked surprised with his son's mood.

"I'll tell you at dinner, I want to tell everyone at once." Eli said.

"Ok." Rick said now curious with what happened at the book store today, then he realized something, "aren't you supposed to be at your mothers?"

"Dinner with Henry, she said for me to come home after I eat."

"Ahh." Rick said.

"What's for dinner?" Eli asked.

"Lily made a chicken." Rick answered.

"Is Jessie here?" He was curious of his sister was eating with the family or with her girlfriend

"She's upstairs. Can you go upstairs and the girls that dinner's ready?" Rick said to his son.

"Sure." Eli said as he put down the last of the plates, forks, knives, and napkins. Once he and Rick finished setting up the table, Eli began to make his way upstairs, to inform the girls that dinner was ready.

As he made his way up the steps he strategically planned out how he was going to provide Jessie, Zoe, and Grace of dinner. First he was going to tell Jessie, than Zoe, and once he knew for a fact that jessie and Zoe were down stairs then he would make his way to Graces room.

Jessie's Attic

Jessie is sitting in her chair reading over the letter that Katie wrote months ago telling Jessie how she felt. She was reminding herself one last time what she is doing this for before she told Zoe, her dad, and Lily about her and Katie's relationship. She than heard a knock on the door, folded up the letter, put it inside of the book she his it inside of so no one else would find it, and said "Who is it?" Jessie asked.

"Eli, I am coming in?" Eli responded to his sister.

Once Eli said that she took the book walked over to her book shelf and the book on it without noticing that the note had fallen on the floor. Once he walked up the steps she said, "Hey how was work?"

"Good." He walked over to the chair in the corner.

Jessie walked over to her bed, sat down, and asked, "How was your first day in charge?"

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