Chapter Thirteen - Nose Bleed.

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A number of days had passed since deciding to ignore the majority of my entire House...and Snape...and my sisters.

It was getting tougher and tougher with each passing moment. 

Comments here and there, such as "Why is she acting so weird?" followed by a sneering comment like-

"Not like she was part of our group anyway, who cares?" and frowned glances, followed by rolled eyes.

It was only the second week into this academic year, only the second week into my "new life" and the only thing that was new to me, was a new way of hating it. 

I knew that I was probably making things worse for myself and being difficult but since the whole hanging out with Severus thing, the others hadn't made one attempt to come and patch things up with me...not that I wanted them to...perhaps I thought maybe Remus would try to talk to me in lessons like before- but he hadn't. 

It's good really, I didn't want to burden him with my maybe being seen with Snape was a good Remus repellent.

I just had wished to hear a sorry from Sirius.

What was much more uncomfortable than realising Remus was ignoring my existence like the other boys, was the thick silence that fogged the dormitory room when I walked in. The other girls were jittery with discomfort and I knew each time they saw me they were trying their hardest to come up with something to say...or not say. 

Luckily, they spent most of their time in the common room with the others and started only coming up purely for sleep or to get something from their belongings; whilst I stayed sat on my bed, drapes drawn and creating light with my wand to read.

There were some benefits to having no friends at school though. I was much more focused on my work and got all homework done early (since I had nothing else to really do). 

I had formed a good relationship with the kitchen elves, where I ate all my meals (and often was able to order things that weren't on the days menu). 

I was kept out of the trouble that I saw the others get in, day in and day out...though slightly jealous that they seemed to be having so much fun, whilst I had my head shoved in a new book.

 However, the books that I had seemed to get my hands on we really quite interesting and was bubbling mischief of my own inside of me. I kept that all inside though and resulted to writing down my own little pranks in story form as some kind of release. I was beginning to form quite a good bunch of short stories that made me realise maybe that was something I wanted to pursue...or maybe not, depends how good they are.

Time alone, without others, gave me the opportunity to figure out what I was good at and what I struggled with (for the most part). I had never had time by myself before...where I wasn't forced into a dark space or being punished by isolation. 

Time alone, on my own accord was quite...refreshing. Finally, my head was beginning to feel a lot clearer, though I knew there was still an unexplainable amount of stuff to still work through. It was a start.


I was sat up in my bed, warm socks up to my knees and dressing gown wrapped tightly around me like a cocoon, when Marlene came barging into the dorm looking a bit dishevelled. She almost sprinted over to her bed, beside me and started rummaging underneath it.

"Ah found them" She mumbled to herself, halfway underneath her bed. I watched her as she shuffled herself along the floor to get unstuck from the bed frame, holding onto a scrunched up orange and red banner "Go Potter!" she lightly laughed and held the banner close to her chest as if she might lose it. I frowned slightly. 

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